Born to Win

You’re Welcome :slight_smile:

I thought a Sunday boost to start you off to a great week!

Here is another one:

[I]If you want to reach your goals, you must see yourself as already being there. You must paint that picture in your mind of what you want to be, do, or have. You must see yourself receiving that diploma, living in the home of your dreams, enjoying a beautiful relationship with your mate and/or children. You must see yourself getting that desired position, writing the book, a better golfer, achieving your ideal weight, winning the race, or whatever your objective is. You must vividly dream or imagine this in living color-and claim those victories with passion[/I]

Good-luck this week!

there’s a fine line between thinking positive and being downright delusional. be careful PIPnROLL!

Absolutely! That is why you have to make an specific objectives and it is attainable to you and actually you can follow through otherwise it becomes delusional. If you here long enough, we have seen a few of those already :slight_smile:

I hope everything is going well with you! Currently, its becoming a fall weather where I am… Time to hit the Cancun and Bahamas beach to get my tan back! Lol can’t wait… Something to look forward too…

I’ve read this somewhere online and I thought it is worth sharing with you guys/gals

[I]" A young man asked Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, the secret of Success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met.

Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river.

When the water got up to their necks, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water. The man struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him under water until he started turning blue.

The young man struggled hard and finally managed to get up. The first thing he did was to gasp and take a deep breath.

Socrates asked, “What did you want the most when you were under the water?”

The man replied “Air”.

Socrates said: “That’s the most secret to success. When you want success as badly as you want air, you will get it. There is no other secret”.


A burning desire is the starting point of all accomplishments. Just like a small fire cannot give much heat, a weak desire cannot produce great results…"

[/I]… …stay focus and stay motivated every single day. Small successes do counts and should be celebrated. Every single steps that we take everyday is the start and on our way to reaching our goals. The only way we know that we are progressing is when we focus on our winnings (small or big wins). Losing should be viewed as teaching lessons and asking ourselves on “how we can do differently next time around”…

[B]When There is Pain, There is Growth… Endure the pain then you will grow.[/B]

There are times that you might need to build your own stairs from the ground up…

“Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities he does not posses”
~ Samuel Johnson

Which means discovered our own strengths. Discipline ourselves to improved on those strengths. Each one of us have unlimited potential when we find and stay within our strengths as per Ralph Waldo Emerson says “Each man has his own vocation; his talent is his call. There is one direction in which all space available to him”

“There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.”

People’s choices define who they are and determine where they go. It’s true that we don’t choose everything we get in life, but much of what we get comes from what we’ve chosen.

Thought I should post my reply here as well…

Reflecting on the mistakes that were made is good however it is also important to reflect on the things on what you did right and how can you improve more on those as well. For every small wins adds up not just in your live account balances but also it adds up to your “self-confidence” as a person and as a trader. Build your strength and self-confidence around on what you know and where you are good at instead of beating yourself up on the weaknesses/mistakes. Always look at in a different perspective. There are times you need to change directions but do not change your main objectives and goals.

Currently, 're reading my collection of trading books since I am off work for the rest of the year!

Days, months and years will comes and goes… The difference is where you better off today than yesterday or from a year before? Keep improving and keep those dreams a live!..

The preacher held the young boy under the water and brought him out. “Do you believe!!!” asked the preacher. “Well, I don’t know.” replied the boy. Dunking him under and giving him a shake as to rid the young man of sins, the preacher brought him out a second time and asked louder this time: “Do you believe???” The young man, catching his breath replied: “I don’t think I understa…” Before his last word could come from his lips they were violently dunked under the water again. The preacher thrashed the boy under the water as bubbles came from the boys lips and he began to resist the preacher’s violence. The onlookers began to get restless. Finally, the preacher brought the boy up and screamed: “Do you believe boy???” Barely breathing the child sighed out a response: “Yes.” “What do you believe boy?” Asked the preacher. Catching his breath and looking at the preacher with forward brows and a puffed out lower lip the boy responded: “I believes you is tryin’ ta kill me!”

Reviving this thread. It’s a New Year after all! How are my babypips family doing now a days? :slight_smile:

Interested quotes, some similar quotes in China is like that:
“the level that you let others people feel comfortalbe, will determine your altitude”

I confess I’ve never heard of this author, nor of this book, and I am usually a bit cynical when it comes to things like this, but I admit that he definitely sounds very inspirational. Sometimes we all need such pick me up quotes.

Great thread! PipnRoll is the best!!

Forex is tough business and in order to learn this business there are several books in the market and Born to Win is also one of that books, I would like to say that we should get the forex knowledge from all the forex related books as well as this book and also should get the practical knowledge from the demo account in order to get the success and perfection.

Thank you guys for your reply.

It is great to see and going back about 1 1/2 year ago since I created this thread. These was my journal that I jot down the important messages that speak to myself and what it makes sense to me and lucky enough to share with you :). I have applied a lot of the things that was says in the book. This was my foundation that I have created for myself and it is paying tremendously as I grow as person. There are still a lot of things that I need to learn and improved specially moving on to a leadership role/ stage of my career.

Always look for ways and invest on how you can improved yourself. Build a foundation of how you want to see your life in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years from now. That is why they call yesterday is your " past" and today is your “present”. Do not dwell to much about the past… focus on the present (today) because whatever you do today, it becomes your future…

[B]Present is a “Gift”[/B]

I will post more on this thread and I will shared what other things I’ve learn from the past few years… I will also include something about " Leadership" as this is what I am working on to improved :slight_smile:

On internet there are many material and basics available which helps us to improve our trading skills and then we can become a winner in Forex trading by handling the bad crucial conditions of Forex market.