C. Martinez likes to trade BTC/USD

Did you know that less than 10% of traders are women? I am proud to be one of those women! My name is C. Martinez, I am a stay-at-home mom of two. I homeschool my older child while my younger child manifests a full-blown hurricane inside the living room. It has been a struggle finding the time to learn how to trade, after hours and hours of studying I am even more proud to say I am consistently growing my account using technical analysis. No bots, No alerts from a source, No scanners, No team, just me and the charts. I trade mostly BTC/USD AUD/USD AUD/CHF EUR/JPY EUR/USD.
And I like it that way. It solidifies the skill set more than the ability to run an app and copy trades not knowing why. Thankful for my ability to self-teach grow and become better.

Sending Love and Light.
C. Martinez

P.S If you get a wild hair and want to read a book at the suggestion of a stranger check out: The Celestine Prophecy, An Adventure.
This book changed my perspective on energy shifts and helped me become a more consistent trader.

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Less than 10% that we know about. Do we even know how many active traders there are let alone their gender? Props to you for smashing it.

Thanks for the book suggestion, and in return try adding USD/JPY to your list.

Best of luck on your journey.

Hello Mrs. Martinez
Thank you for your book suggestion.
Hope your children’s happiness.
It is wonderful that I see a successful women trader.
I see you have a winner’s mindset which is the major source of your success.
You will make healthy growth continuously.
Sending respect and Light.

that stats is close to accurate. in my short time in trading, I have only met a few quality female traders both online and offline.

the last one I met was a crypto options trader and she is pretty amazing at what she does. I must commend your efforts to put in time and energy to study and master trading.

Not an easy task, considering that you’re also a mum. heck, even single youths find it difficult to hack the charts.

well done!! :tada::tada::100::100: