Calculating correct timezone when working with data from different zone?

Ok have a huge personal mind bending problem with TimeZones.
I sometimes pay for a feed of historical daily data and according to the provider the timestamp in this feed is Eastern time. The feed is in CSV format and begins with timestamp 00:00 all the way to 23:59.

My Metatrader chart is gmt+3 and the last tick on Friday closes 23:59. My assumtion is that is when New York closes and their local time is 17:00?
Have I understood things correct?

On Saturday I get a feed of Fridays trading and this feed has again timestamp 00:00 to 23:59 with data on every min.
How is this possible?
If market closed at 17:00 local time Easter Time, how is it possible that there is data after 17:00?? This I can not understand. Anyone who can spread some light?

I can see the legend Clint is typing…waiting eager for your reply =)


First of all, let’s separate the discussion of (1) your MetaTrader price feed from (2) the issue you are having with the other feed that you subscribe to.

(1) Regarding your MetaTrader price feed, midnight (00:00) in the GMT+3 time zone is, indeed, 5 pm (17:00) New York time in the U.S. Eastern time zone.

Therefore, your MT platform should be showing the last price on Friday at 23:59 (based on platform time = GMT+3). And you seem to be saying that this is exactly what’s happening.

(2) Regarding the other price feed you subscribe to, if in fact the time-stamps are based on U.S. Eastern Time (currently EDT = GMT-4), then there can be no further price ticks after 5 pm (17:00) on Fridays.

But, you report that there are price ticks up to 23:59 on Friday. So, your confusion is understandable.

You should contact the supplier of your price feed subscription, for an explanation.


Clint, for a whole day I have been working on this and going almost insane. Never bothered much about timezone before but when you start digging deeper and start programming this is important. I have send the supplier of data an email just now trying to get an half decent explanation. So I guess my worries was understandable then and my logic was not so way off? You know for a while I felt like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.
Once again Clint - thank you for making me normal again! =)