Sry, but that let me recall the old joke:
There are primarily 3 different types of investors who post on the message boards.
- Those who don’t know anything: approx. 10%
- Those who know a little: approx. 10%
- Those who don’t realize they don’t know anything: approx. 80%
[B]Must[/B] and [B]can’t[/B] are the most expensive words at Wall Street, my friend. Plus we have a new underlying bullish key factor. The ecb rate rise from a couple of months ago. Just saying. :54:
as i already mentioned that i will start learn now. but now i need help to tackle the account
thnks fr ur suggestion. And remember me friend, i will let u know when the rate will go in my favour.
Could someone clarify if closing one of his profitable trades will help his margin or hurt it?
If you can get a bit of profit off one of those longs and it doesn’t hurt your effective margin that would be best
But if that margin is only floating because of those successful trades, then don’t touch them.
My Broker doesn’t let me trade the for and against the same pair so im unsure what is happening here.
yes my friend , i can tell u abt the margin situation, at the moment 3 hedges trades((buy-sell , buy-sell, buy-sell))each require $500 as margin but if any trade(long or short) is left single that require$1000 as margin. so currently necessary margin is at $1500, and left balance is $533. now if i settle one long trade thats mean my left balance would be $533-500= 33 total because what i would left with 2 hedges and one short . so hedges require altogether $ 1000(500each) and the single short require $ 1000. so i would need $2000 as necessary margin required. i think situation could get worst coz i would have only $33 in account as left margin and on the other hand 3 short and 2 long , now in this situation if price goes just a few pips up could close all the position automatically , in other word game finished.
Righto, So I think Best Advice I can give, wait it out with what you have, sticking those hedges in there saved you! Hopefully the GBP goes down and when its safe you can exit the hedges before they start to eat up your profits again. Its going to be tricky but if the GBP falls, its going to feel alot better.
(So far its holding steady but not going up, cross your fingers and hope they come down!)
In a week you will know whether its starting to fall or threatening to go up more. Best of luck!
Just an idea however, one of your longs is profiting at 1k, if you closed that one would it add 1k to your margin? +500 requirement to your margin but if you get 1000 profit from it then you would get a net +500 to your 560 to play around with, but Im not sure how your broker works maybe they are already taking your +1000 profit into account on your effective margin.
(Btw, Check out the charts bro, You liking that? That’s one stop toward you breaking even!!! China has your back.)