Can anyone reccomend a training course / program?


I have read’s school, and passed all exams. I’m looking into possibly signing up for a paid training programme, something intensive, with a mentor to call (not very neccessary, but not bad to have), and “graphical” or “hands on” learning.

I have time to spare, I “work” 11 hours a day as a district manager for T-mobile, but I never leave my desk with my computer and I have a solid 10 hours a day to devote to learning (which is why I decided to take up forex… gettin’ paid while gettin’ paid, right? It would be a crime NOT to utilize that time). Can anyone reccomend a good course? I’d be thankful.

Rod R.:slight_smile:

Hi there if you to sign up for a trading system contact me at my Skype : teodosi6 here are my system results if you are interested just contact me.
Just read all post and think if you want . you know how to contact me i wish you good day!

Not sure if I really trust all that jazz, sir.

By the way, guys, why do the thread replies go backwards, chronologically? I have to go all the way to the end to find the original post… anyone know how to fix this?

I’m looking for some kind of an institution or school, or reputable online course, not a guy on skype who wants to charge for his info, (no offense).

Thanks folks!

I don’t know about the training… but the “upside down” forum bothered me too. If you go to the control panel, see User CP top left, you should find a place to set thread viewing options.

I see.Then just sing up for James chat room.But you not right!Dont think that if you are at like you said school you could be teach how really to trade!But do what you want i sing up for many of this "reputable online course" and what nothing one big nothing!But try to sing up for james course its very good just what you want.

this will be bast why to learn to trade!just read his Thread 40-100per day live trading!

We are in the information age baby! Most information you can obtain freely. The only benefit to any course would that it may shorten your learning curve so that you can become successful quicker. However, also remember the most important factor in trading is you! I doubt close to zero online courses go over that factor. Why not focus on yourself on your own or perhaps with some shrink or something instead of flushing your money down the toilet on these programs which most of their information can be obtained freely or at a cheaper price?

However, I great book to buy would be Trading your way to finical freedom. That should set your straight. Also, another great book to buy (that isn’t forex related) is Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell.

In summary screw training programs, get some books, focus on the inner game, and trade :slight_smile:

swordofrue is correct!
Why don’t you go and look around on several forums like these…
There you will find allot of people who want to share their trading experiences!
Just keep in mind nobody can trade the same:-) everybody has a different style of trading so choose the one that fits you best:)

Forget those training courses man…there are Craap!
Don’t waste your LOONIES…But i will admit the $19.99 course
at FXCM has some good points and it was only 20 BUCKS!
Can’t beat that!

BABYPIPS has all you need. Start GOOGLEING there is alot of stuff
free on the web…

Beware of training man!, He lurks in Cyberspace

I don`t think that all courses are scam!But yes there is many scams but not all best we all can do is to try to find our own way to trade and to make money that fit our style.Sometimes we use systems which works for other peoples and that is wrong i have tried many systems but … no success till i found my own one and it works perfectly for me … you should do same … not only try to find someone to teach you how to trade.I wish you luck with that :slight_smile:


I guess scam is the wrong word,Let’s say 90% of these courses
are a WASTE of MONEY, Because you can get everything you need
here and on the net…

Save your money for pips

This all depends upon your “budget” how much money
you have in your “kitty” to learn to trade Forex.

It also depends upon the amount of time you can spend
on the 'net learning the methodology.

If you have a limited “budget” money wise, but have lots of
time to spend on the 'net, then the answer is plain, use your
time to research all the free areas, as you go collect all
the resources you need.

If you have a large “budget”, but limited time, your search of
the 'net will be of a different nature in the fact that you should
research the paid resources, where some other guy has done
the work, then pay for their experience.

But just be wary of the lowlife scavengers that inhabit any paying
system. They will hash together some semblence of an ebook, or
system, then peddle it on forums, etc. making over blown statement
of earning potential.

Sometimes it can be in your face, other times it can be a slow
cancerous system which just leaches the money from you, with
no real end result.

As with forex, research on the 'net should be carried out with
patience, but in the long run their is no replacement for experience.

[B]I’m looking for some kind of an institution or school, or reputable online course, not a guy on skype who wants to charge for his info, (no offense).

Thanks folks!

I have had the good fortune to be trained by some of the best traders available. I agree with all thats been said about the net, books etc. However believe me James has no peer and is certainly not ‘some guy on Skype’

Before you even think about looking for a training program of any kind you need to take a step back and figure out what it is you after.

As has already be noted, a ton of money is wasted by folks on courses, systems, signals, etc. It’s not that all of these things are useless or have no value. It might even be argued that all of them do on some level. The problem is that if even very useful information is worthless if it’s not something you can apply.

What timeframe? What market(s)? Technical, fundamental, or quantitative? Automated or Manual? What kind of risk? What kind of return?

These are some of the questions that an individual needs to address before taking one step in to the training arena so they can get what they need and not waste money on anything else.

I’m looking for some kind of an institution or school, or reputable online course, not a guy on skype who wants to charge for his info, (no offense).

Thanks folks!

Hi Tony

Did you read all of this thread, that comment was not aimed at James,
it was aimed at another poster. :confused:

Ha is not so true yes you need all you want to know but do you really know how to use it ?When some pro trader teach you things look different … believe me …


I have had the good fortune to be trained by some of the best traders available. I agree with all thats been said about the net, books etc. However believe me James has no peer and is certainly not ‘some guy on Skype’[/QUOTE]

How much is this train course ?

Oh - thanks for the heads up Daydreamer and apologies to the poster

How much is this train course ?[/QUOTE]

Best to ask James about his current arrangements. We have just moved to a new room where we get a live feed with direct link to his voice and desktop. Having some teething probs at the moment but I think will be excellent when finished. 6 weeks in the old room used to cost $59 and you dont need more than that to be fully in touch with the system. I stay because I enjoy it

If after all those responses you are still determined you could do the course by the Financial Services Institute of Australia. The Australian Technical Analysts Association award a diploma of technical analysis if you complete subject E114 and E171 which gets you recognition by the international body. Be aware that technical analysis and trading though require 2 different skill sets. I have done the course because I have an interest in such things and it is very well written. Even though you are in the USA it is by correspondence and if you want to sit the exam I dare say they would look at trying to make arrangements for you for that. Just put FINSIA in your browser