Can I make the advertising banners stay still?

Okay, don’t laugh everyone (and I ‘know’ they are there to ‘advertise’) but, they drive me nuts flashing all the time when I’m trying to study ‘school’. I find it very distracting…

I’ve tried rightclicking on each flashing thing and that sometimes stops it for ‘that’ page, but as soon as I go to the next page, it starts up all over again. And I wouldn’t mind so much but these flashing things are at the top and all down the right hand side…

Okay, this is ‘not’ a dig at Babypips - please note - it’s just a personal issue for ‘me’ - I suffer migraines and have always had trouble with any kind of flashing lights - hence, I find the constant swirling moving etc when I’m trying to read very difficult.

Again, I know it’s paid advertising here on b/pips and the idea is to grab our attention - but, if anyone does know how I can disable these little buggers, I would be tremendously happy and grateful!!! :slight_smile:

Thank You my Fellow Pipsters!

Are you using Chrome for your browser?

Try FireFox with the AdBlock Plus extension. Ghostery is another really useful extension. Will prevent you having issues.

Apparently guys, I have Internet Explorer - hubby said he will put Chrome on my pc if that’s better.

Or should I have Firefox?

Which is more ‘user friendly guys’… :slight_smile: Thank You!

Firefox is better for reduced ads… As Cyco suggested you can use add-ins to reduce ads, google the ones he mentioned.

Sometimes you just can’t avoid them though :slight_smile:

Okay, thanks for that Banker :slight_smile:

I’ll have hubby sort it out tonight for me…

Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t be able to get rid of ‘everything’ but to reduce would definitely help…


Please keep in mind that advertising is our ONLY source of revenue. It’s completely necessary in being able to offer you the content and features that we do. We understand that most people hate ads. We get it and often feel the same when visiting some ad-heavy sites. But we’ve spent many YEARS putting this information together for you at not cost to our readers. That will never change. And we keep a pretty small advertising footprint when compared to many other sites. We feel that’s a small price to pay for the wealth of information that we offer you.

Please support our site and our mission to make you a better forex trader by leaving the ads alone by not running your ad-blocking software on our website.


Hi Pipstradamus

I understand completely (as you will see from my opening post here).

Please note I am ‘very’ grateful for the free education and wealth of excellent information available here at BP.

Now that I’ve finished with school, it probably won’t be so big an issue - it was one of being difficult for me to read but now that it’s over and done with, I can live with it as it is. I certainly don’t wish to harm revenue streams of BP.

Best wishes


I don’t see you as the kind to click on the ads therefore I believe it to be your right to disable them. Especially in the case of migraines. That’s gotta be painful. A helpful pointer, I have BP on my iPhone and I don’t see any adds which is nice.

How are you hurting revenue for BP if you aren’t even clicking on the adds on your own pc? So what does it matter if they are blocked or not?

I see what you mean Leg0nd - I just don’t want to upset anyone at BP (or anyone else for that matter).

I just find it difficult with flashing lights to concentrate - but I’m done with school now so hopefully it won’t be as bad…

I also got ‘picked up’ for a (I think minor ‘violation’ of the alternative word for ‘bottom’ - I didn’t even type the actual word) and my post was changed. I understand the moderators are here to see that we don’t offend anyone but I’ve seen much much worse in reading through the various posts here. However, ‘I’ wasn’t offended by the other posts - just seems odd that my minor boobie was picked up :31:

Anyway, thanks again Leg0nd for that - I do appreciate it and you’re right - if I’m not clicking on the ads, then it shouldn’t really make that much difference - I’ve already opened my Ooanda a/c - other than that, I’m not into advertising. Oh dear, hope I don’t get into trouble for this!!!

Hey Leg0nd,

We generate revenue in a couple of ways, but the greater majority of our revenue is from display advertising, Clicking on advertisements on our website doesn’t necessarily make us money. It simply makes it more likely that advertisers will return to advertise with us in the future if our community is interested in their services. So yes, disabling ads DEFINITELY hurts us.

But obviously if the ads are so bad that they ruin the user experience, we totally understand your and anybody else’s position.
