Carry trade

I am newbie to forex and have just “graduated” from babypips school. Thanks to the fxmen for making learning forex so much fun!

I would like to ask here currently what is the best pair for carry trade? And where can i find out the current interest rate for each currency? Is there a site which listed all the major currencies interest rate?

right now the GPB/jpy
and NZD/JPY are the two picks

Id do your analysis well, some are expecting the paris to reverse, as seen with the more recent correction in 2 weeks ago.


the carry trade seems to be a profitable root provided you do your due dilligence.

Thanks for the tips :smiley: . What about the second questions: where can i find out the current interest rate for each currency?

Oanda provides the ones they use here:

hey…how do u calculate the interest rate (difference for a carry trade) say for USD/JPY. Could u give an example? Whats the best minimum amount of money to be place for carry trade. Thank you. The newest newbie at this point.

Let say USD rate is now 5.00% and JPY rate is 0.25%, since you are actually borrowing JPY to trade in USD, you have to pay the 0.25% and get in 5.00%. In net, you will be getting 4.75% (5.00-0.25).

I am also still new here, just trying to help. Fellow seniors please correct me if i am wrong. For the second question, i think i have to leave it to the senior traders here. :slight_smile: