Central Bank news

Are there any websites, Twitter, Facebook sites you use to get notified of current news, specifically Central Bank news?
I know we have the calendar, but short of marking alerts, I tend to realise things after the fact.
Anyone you trust/have found good that gives you up to the second updates?

First thing is to get inside the news, get to know what is important and what is flux.

News algos search twitter, reuters etc, but they will index the relevance.

Right now - UK International Trade Secretary Liam Fox commented on Sky News that ‘we may not get a Brexit deal so exit without one’.

On the face of it a trader may hit the Gbp sell button - but wait, research Liam Fox and Sky news, then think how would an algo index this piece of news in a scale 1 to 10.

Recently there was a resignation from the UK cabinet, takes a while (couple of hours) to get the letter written and make it public - that news was very tradable.

forexlive.com is a good starting point.

I’ll take a look on this link.

It is very important for any responsible trader to be alert and watchful. He/ she should have a flow of information about several things especially related to the forex. The Central Bank is the power house of any forex trader. Therefore, you must be conversant with any news that thay they would put a cross.