First of all: Thank you very very much for this site. You guys do an AWESOME job!!!
Second: I´m not english/american so sorry in advance for my english :18:
Before I ask, some information: I know what Leverage and Lots are and how they affect the margin. I´m good capitalized, actually that´s why my Question came up.
I´m still a newbie (this school here showed me how newbie i really am :5:) but did pretty well last months, so I decided to double the lotsize from 0.1 to 0.2.
But then I started to brood about something: If i double lotsize, wouldn´t I pay double spreadcosts? So if I would double leverage (my broker allows it once every 24h), wouldn´t I save 50% spreadcosts?
Maybe it´s a stupid question and I don´t see the wood for all da freakin´trees, but brooding about it for 2 hours, and because it´s gonna late here in good ol´europe i decided to ask the pros^^
Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend!