Changing Leverage instead of Lot-Size to save Spreadcosts?

First of all: Thank you very very much for this site. You guys do an AWESOME job!!!
Second: I´m not english/american so sorry in advance for my english :18:

Before I ask, some information: I know what Leverage and Lots are and how they affect the margin. I´m good capitalized, actually that´s why my Question came up.
I´m still a newbie (this school here showed me how newbie i really am :5:) but did pretty well last months, so I decided to double the lotsize from 0.1 to 0.2.
But then I started to brood about something: If i double lotsize, wouldn´t I pay double spreadcosts? So if I would double leverage (my broker allows it once every 24h), wouldn´t I save 50% spreadcosts?
Maybe it´s a stupid question and I don´t see the wood for all da freakin´trees, but brooding about it for 2 hours, and because it´s gonna late here in good ol´europe i decided to ask the pros^^

Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend!

I don’t think you have leverage as dialed as you think you do.

Leverage impacts used/usable margin. And only indirectly cost of the spread. The cost of the spread is directly related to your lot size. Leverage determines the maximum lot size.

If you double your lot size, yes, your spread costs double. But then everything doubles now doesn’t it? Your potential profit, your potential loss, your swap…

Thanks for your answer!
Yeah, you are right, the leverage just does not affect the value of one single pip at all, only the lotsize does, right?
Guess the strange usage of lots and leverages of my first broker (that who gives you 25€ for free), still confused me…