Hey everyone,
Ive been doing some googling and cant seem to find any software for my blackberry to get live charts, does anyone know of any software FOREX related for PDAs?
Hey everyone,
Ive been doing some googling and cant seem to find any software for my blackberry to get live charts, does anyone know of any software FOREX related for PDAs?
some brokers actually have their own software for mobile trading.
But you should be able to get a copy of metatrader for your pda google it.
Metatrader is available for PDA check out metaquotes amongst others
I looked into this a while back. Unfortunately metatrader doesn’t work on black berry’s because --> “System requirements: PDA, Windows Pocket PC 2002 or higher.” The only broker software I checked out for my blackberry was from forex.com and it was so so.
Get streaming forex charts for your blackberry here:
I just downloaded the new FX Solutions UK GTS Mobile platform and they have all new charts FOR THE BLACKBERRY… FINALLY! This is great because I trade with FX Solutions. Lots of great features and options like the ability to add indicators. It does not appear to be a streaming chart. There is a refresh button you have to click on to update the chart. But still, not bad.
Check it out:
I have Gft Dealbook on my blackberry, it works really well although it’s very limited.
I just use it manage trades while on the go, neither for entries nor for analysis, this is done previously on my computer.
THis solution has given me a lot of mobility, great when you get tired of being stick to a place just because a computer.