Climate change is a complete hoax

Pease read what I actually wrote before ripping my head off :wink:

SLight Change from what any student of wildlife could have written (myself included) since reaching adulthoodin the late '60s ! - THIS May be true in the main, but “450 ‘scientists and Diplomats’ working for 3 years to produce” this ! ?

I then went on to tell some of the real reasons for the decline in SOME Types of wildlife in UK. - Bees in addition, for example we believe is due in the main to neo-nicotinoid pest control, (though the Verroa mite is also a concern) as are many butterflies and moths PLUS the vandalism which Local Authorities and “Wildliife reserves” excercise in their vegetation management processes.

I also criticised the "Recommended action, given in quite small rint twards the end as “Political Action”. So I may have skim-read, since I already know most of this stuff, but I DID “Read” it and the implication that simply because I resist the acceptance of "Anthropogenic CO2 is the cause of ‘Global Warming’ as some sort of act of faith - a religious event in effect.

Does NOT Equate to me being “anti-wildlife” or lacking in knowledge about something I have been very interested in since I was a child and which I sometimes depair about - the pure stupidity of Local Authorities ILLEGALY cutting hedges with a chain flail during the breeding season, when the birds are nesting in the hedge and the caterpillars are feeding quite happily a second before they are smashed into mush by this chain!

If I was a lttle disparaging about “Urban Greenies with their pet Cats” - well so be it - very fewof them could differentiate a yellow hammer from a Chalkhill Blue if the photographs were in Black and White ! Yet they purport to inflict their knowledgeable wisdom on us “Country Boys” ad tell us what WE are doing wrong at the drop of a hat !

  • NOR does it equate to me being ignorant on the subject of “Global Warming” as I have been at pains to explain in detail.

However - I am unable to discern any real distinction between any “Evidence” in favour of this “BELIEF” in Global Warming being entirely due to man’s actions and the clear and obvious Politics of the Situation. Especially when the effects we have seen over 140 years are so way behind what Al Gore and others have been threatening us with for so long !

I don’t mind discussing it with you but please do Not trivialise my interest by just rejecting it as “ignorant” !

[Edit - UN ? Hmmm! - Take a look at “Agenda 21”

"…Although a little extreme, it’s a good, thought provoking start.
Even if it just makes you think a little deeper about other people / companies / countries agendas!
I enjoyed it and had previously researched Agenda 21, this is a nice entry point…!

What sort of “Political Action” I wonder ?

One of @tommor s "97% " (And he literally IS) - You can see from this interview that the answer to “The questions” their papers were inspected for is clearly “Yes” !

“Why should we bother to learn facts when facts don’t matter in this society ?”

Exactly so little girl - just watch the 15 minute video above ! That does have a few facts in it which I know you will find inconvenient - but hey at 16 you already know that "Facts don’t matter !" (as long as you are on the “Right” side of the propaganda !)

Here’s one of my favourite thinkers addressing this issue for 6 or 7 minutes - Highly commended !

"lISTEN TO WHAT SCIENTISTS SAY - Not to what people say they are saying "

" ÂŁ20 Billion per year for the rest of the century to save 1/10 degree in 100 years time " :rofl:

Critic of the contributor “slams” his figures - contributor plays tape of same critic agreeing to his figure for a radio talk.

There is no large sea level change.
**97% of the Science is on the Sceptical side ! **
80-90% of Physicists KNOW that this CO2 = Global Warming Hupothesis is WRONG !
80% of Astronomers KNOW that this CO2 = Global Warming Hupothesis is WRONG !
80% of Geologists KNOW that this CO2 = Global Warming Hupothesis is WRONG !
This is a Wonderfull way of controlling Taxation, Controlling People !

It is EVIL to use children as propaganda props - It is an insult to science.

What do they know ? they should be out paying not demonstrating on behalf of propaganda groups.

It is DANGERIOUS for society that people should be able to do this ! We must get this CO2 Disease out of science !

ie pretty much what we all know - but with the weight of “Science” behind it !!

There maybe politics going on the global warming and climate change but there is no doubt that they are a reality. People can see at the stats for themselves. Countries everywhere are facing severe weather conditions. What do you think guys? Which side do you stand?

Of course w know global warming is a hoax. It is an ingenious way to tax oil companies a bit more from the large revenues they generate annually.

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In Other News:

US heat wave: Millions suffer as hot weather intensifies
Nearly 150 million people from the Midwest to the Atlantic coast are sweating through scorching temperatures, with New York declaring a heat emergency. At least three people have died, and many events have been canceled.

Meanwhile June officially hottest June for our planet on record.

Right now across the ocean is Europe faring any better?

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The weather in general is shifting. The region i was born in used to always be a very dry region of europe. The grass always yellow starting from may till october. Now the rain falls in summer have increased a lot. It is much greener even thou the temperatures stayed the same for that region. While in other parts of europe rainfalls have decreased. Germany is having its driest summer ever recorded now for the second year straight, 2018 was driest ever recorded, 2019 looks as its going to be even worse (according to forecasts).

Same in Australia, we are the driest Continent on the planet… and our climate is definitely warming…

When I was kid doing the morning paper round (80’s) we used to get - 2, - 4 degrees in the winter… it hasn’t been under 3 in the last 10 years… I haven’t de-iced a Car windscreen in a long, long time…

I used to live in the outer suburbs of Melbourne… but the city has expanded so rapidly that I’m now in middle suburbia with far more roads, buildings, houses which all retain heat from the sun… so, that is manmade to a point…

I’m not a big believer in climate change per say… yes, man may have an effect on the atmosphere, but the earth’s weather has been shifting for millions of years… ice age to ice age…

Our seasons have definitely shifted… Summer comes two months later and ends in what use to be half way through autumn and the rest of the seasons appear two months forward as well…

This could also be our positioning to the sun… the tilt of the earth… many things outside of mankind’s control… so…the jury is out until it can be proven…

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Hey bud, the hoax I mean is in reference to man-made climate change, I’m sorry I did not specify.

Even as a kid I was taught the difference between weather and climate. Major difference being that changes in weather occurs over a short period of time (i.e. days to weeks) whereas changes in climate occurs over a longer periods of (i.e. months to years)

The world government are exploiting this information so they can legitimately tax the hell out of big oil corporations and eventually little guys like me who use fossil fuels in our cars and home.

What we are experiencing is a natural course of events, nothing man-made here.

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Of course it is, it’s one of the most lies of the past century out there along with probably some facts from world war two and something like US space program to the moon, which now many thinks are total fake anyway. So what was it was really ? I bet we’ll find out soon.

They lied to us. I have evidence the moon is made out of cheese but washington and nasa lied to us, they all pulling the strings behind the scenes.

They also denny the fact that the earth is flat. They used photoshop to make the earth look like a sphere back then in 1960ies. But we all know its flat.

Haha, you are funny.

Moon landing was real.