COMPLETE ROOKIE asking, what goes into your TRADE JOURNAL?

I read your post again. This seems to be the issue:

“So starting with a spread sheet but then adding these individual questions would make for a VERY WIDE spread sheet are my thoughts. There must be a better way to organize this possibly.”

Am thinking If i do my spreadsheet in excel, I wlll be hiding some columns and lines.

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Yes I agree. So maybe multiple rows representing a single trade? Very much appreciate the feedback.

Thank you Tommor, I will def take into consideration :muscle:


Excellent comments about the Trade Journal.! You certainly did a lot of research and covered every aspect of what should be included in your Trade Journal. I would be happy to give you a like, but don’t know how to do it!

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I like your list. I would add:

  1. Account available balance
  2. Lot Size
  3. Spread
  4. Intended Trade Timeframe (scalp, day, swing)
  5. Strategy used (Number your strategies and variations so that you can add that to your spreadsheet)
  6. Analysis Timeframes Used (Monthly, weekly, daily, etc)
  7. Execution Timeframe (1H, 15M, etc)

Adding these to your list will probably allow you to answer pretty much any question you have. For screen shots, I would also attach the marked up analysis chart, the execution chart at time of entry, the analysis chart at exit, the execution chart at exit. That pretty much completes the picture and you won’t always need to fire up your trading software for visuals when you’re analyzing your trades.


Try the thread from a few months ago, might add to your knowledge;

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Excellent. Thank you much QP :pray::muscle:

Your written reply was enough. Much obliged!

Muchas Gracias 077 :+1:

Would love to follow your trade journal if you have any on this site!

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I’m going to start with a generic one spreadsheet based. I tried for about 40 minutes this morning on google sheets so it would be easier to share (AND because it’s free) but it was a little frustrating to be honest. I’m not the best with google sheets. So I’m going to put together an Excel sheet and probably use multiple pages. I’ll still share it but Excel isn’t free so some people won’t be able to use it on their google drive. At least not that I’m aware of. Come to think of it google sheets might be able to convert format :thinking:. I should have a generic one ready by Monday.

I’m going to start with a generic one spreadsheet based. I tried for about 40 minutes this morning on google sheets so it would be easier to share (AND because it’s free) but it was a little frustrating to be honest. I’m not the best with google sheets. So I’m going to put together an Excel sheet and probably use multiple pages. I’ll still share it but Excel isn’t free so some people won’t be able to use it on their google drive. At least not that I’m aware of. Come to think of it google sheets might be able to convert format :thinking:. I should have a generic one ready by Monday.

What’s tough with Excel or even Google Sheets is managing notes (then again I’m also not the greatest at either). I suppose from a purely numbers standpoint or like just keywords, then it could work but I find that I like the “diary”-ish entries better. Gives me a more “well-rounded” feel if that makes sense. Spreadsheets work though for reviewing more trades!

Either way, will be on the lookout for that from you! :muscle:

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That is right. Then hide or unhide as needed. :slight_smile:

Take a look at the linked product. It’s free to use for the most part. @Blackduck suggested it some time ago but I haven’t had the time to explore it as yet.

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I’m not sure whether to thank you or curse you lol. At first I was hesitant to jump in and learn something new, just for a trade journal. Than upon further research I found out what else Notion can do. So now I’m stuck in this black hole of learning Notion!! But in all honesty, thank you. Trade Journal is still in the process.

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So regarding my TJ, I’m going to start with ALL of my own suggestions and QuadPips. This will be A LOT of info for a TJ. And definitely not efficient. However it not being efficient does not mean it won’t be effective. It will get scaled down when I find what metrics work best for me. Trading is fluid which means my TJ will need to be fluid. This is just one of the steps in my process to build a strong foundation for my trading plan. Quadpip mentioned Notion as a possible app to start a TJ. This has turned into a black hole of time management but I am grateful nonetheless for the discovery of it. For those reading this I wish you a great day, afternoon and evening.


Hi, you can use also LibreOffice it is free and similar to Excel. Regards Greg

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Awesome. Another black hole for me!!! :joy: :smiley:
Appreciate it. I’ll look into it. I believe my short term goal will be to find the simplest for beginners to use. Also my two requisites will be if it’s free and shareable. That way, anybody coming across this thread will be able to plug and play.

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If you want to thank someone, that would be me. :innocent: If you want to curse someone that would be @Blackduck :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: since it was she who pointed me to Notion.

I’m in the same boat as you are. I think Notion is an awesome tool but I just haven’t found time to explore it as yet. But then, I’m not as dilligent in maintaining my journal as I used to be. In fact, I have not bothered to make entries for the past several trades that I took.