Conclusive Proof

Clapping hand… Well well well that was v well said… Was wondering r u a lawyer? Cos u talk so well. Need some advise from u, as I’m not a lawyer, not gd at talking. Pardon mi if I say anything wrong. Was wondering show record thought only apply for something like when u apply for a high post in a company like cfo or ceo job? U apply for the post n u the one need to show the company your track record not the other way round. Or maybe like u selling a product to someone and u need to show the person your track record of the item inorder to sell him or her the product. But from what I read Lexa is not selling u anything products and u not a company that want to hire her… So my thinking was… There no need for her to show u anything, in fact u should thanks her giving u advise. Am I right to say that? Even husband n wife that sleep in same bed together hv no right to ask either one to show their anything, cos everyone have their own secret n privacy. And Lexa is not related to u in anyway… And also please be polite to a fairlady… Correct me if I’m wrong…and hope I’m not adding oil to the fire… Lol

directed at Lexy on Monday:

directed at Lexy on Tuesday:

Ropunzel, you’ve been running your mouth long and hard in this thread since Monday, and it has gotten waaay beyond tedious.

You’re posturing and pontificating. And everyone in this forum, even the newbies, can see that you are basically a blow-hard, with nothing of value to contribute to this forum.

You joined this forum almost 4 years ago, claiming that you already had several years of trading experience. And immediately – beginning with your first post – you attempted to dazzle this forum with your economics vocabulary.

Okay, Mr. Experienced Know-It-All,

Let’s see [I][B]your[/B][/I] verified track record.

If you can demand track records from other members of this forum, then you – with your many years of trading experience – can damn well set the example, and show us the brilliance behind your big mouth.

We’re all waiting, Big-Shot.


Sweet n power!!! Mmm I’m waiting too big shot. Please educate me this newbie with your track record so I can learn something.

Hi Ropunzel.
How do you propose anyone verifies their track record? We all know myfxbooks can be manipulated and fake bank statements/broker statements can be produced. Even if someone on here produces evidence, as has happened here before, they get pounced on by others claiming its falsified.
I still ask for this myself when I’m sure someone is trying to scam newbies, but thats more to alert newbies to be wary.


Oh gosh oh gosh… So it can be fake… Nowadays so many fake thing… Mmmm so rapunzel, u can verifies your track record? If u have any… I’m newbie don’t Bluff me n scare me… O.olll

Thanks you for your post, it was very colourful and interesting.

And also thank you for inadvertently bringing us back to the point I was making. Please let me know where I presented myself as an expert “Big-Shot” trader laying down the gospel on the ins and outs of the business: I do not and I have not, so your criticism in that regard is completely unmerited.

Unfortunately, this place is overrun with such characters. And it does give me some pause to reflect on the objective value on the advice I am receiving when the conversation stumbles into an area I happen to know very well. I have to ask, am I being well guided in those other areas I know nothing about.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the time the post and replies end up spinning completely of topic and, I was hoping that people would at least attempt to answer the original question: we are what 28 posts in now and I think so far no expansion on possible system evaluations tools and or further insights into how rigorously others review their systems to have ‘[B]Conclusive Proof[/B]’ that maybe it can fly.

The motive for writing the original post was to answer the question - Is my evaluation process robust enough.

by pitching for feedback on how other people evaluate theirs; Babypips as a forum to brainstorm additional approaches I might not have thought about.

So setting the ball rolling by presenting few standard tools that immediately come to mind I invite the community to add their own. And I genuinely don’t understand how that quickly descends into:

  • Being accused of using “Fancy Terms”
  • Being ridiculed as the use of standard industry metrics as “Preposterous” and the like.

You see the problem.

Please, if you are replying to a post I originated or gave in reply to somebody else. Please please please, check your ego at the door with your coat.

And it’s good to see that you stick up for your friends.

Thank for the post.