Control emotions

Yes. but not for emotions

sorry to hear that i know how you felt when it come to a great loss.

sorry friend. i thought it was just me. now i know i have friends like me.

lol. i have to find a new extra job or even a new hobby.
you know what will make me more busy to have a kid and say goodbye to trading forever. :rofl:

you know what the problem is: I donā€™t care about the market is watching me or not, i care about i am watching the market. :sweat_smile:

Donā€™t let excitement control your trades. Stick to your plan, use stop-loss orders, practice mindfulness, trade with discipline, and manage your risk. Stay calm and avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotions.


Itā€™s normal to get excited or anxious when you see moves. if you have a strategy in place, that will lessen getting too affected by any movement you see.

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Lol, thatā€™s one way to look at it! At that point you wonā€™t care about any candles :joy:

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Hi Maya, I also experienced the same issue. For me, the solution is to set a trading goal. When you reach the goal, itā€™s better to take a step back and not continue trading.

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I also canā€™t control temptation when a candle goes up. So, when such situation happens, I leave the market.

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I know emotion is hard to control but if not controlled, it will make you suffer a lot by the end of the day.


Emotion is the enemy of a trader. So, when you see a candle going up, you should leave the market and I think it will pacify your excitement.

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Hey Maya, thereā€™s no need for catching feelings with numbers. The market goes up and down you have to accept that you canā€™t control it so why having emotions for things you canā€™t control?

You could set and forget (open a trade, set your exits and then leave).

You could also try to meditateā€¦ This gonna help you a lot. Remeber that you only gain money by managing your risk and a good analysis, nobody ever made money in forex by being emotional :blush:

Try to focus on things you can control and leave your emotions for friends and families.

It might be a late reply, but alongside with what others said, Put a stop sign before everything you want to do. We all get excited and some of us may do actions based on it, but the role that stop sign play is to remind you that you should wait, calm down, and then make a decision.

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Yup. It sounds so simple but man did I struggle with this one.


We are all trying to not let emotions controls us. but sometimes it happens. Yes I set TP and SL

All people mentioned that we should set tp and sl.

No I will absolutely care about my kids diapers. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hi dear friend.
Do you mean for a while???

How long will be away from trading??? just that day? or more?? what will you do for next trades??