Copy trading reviews

Well, it depends on what your priority is. If my priority were to be making money, I would choose to copy trade.

I dislike copy trading because it doesnā€™t fall in the category of professionalims as traders canā€™t rely on them.

Although Iā€™m not a fan of copy trading, what you said has attracted my attention. How do you define professionalism?

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I am not in favor of copy trading because it increases dependence in traders and traders are away from learning.

Totally agree with that. That is on of the main reasons that I donā€™t like copy trading.

that is sprit, I believe that peopleā€™ experience is a great teacher.
You should not experience everything on your own.

It is not just about copying the trades you have to have some background knowledge.

do you think the youtubers channel whom offer free data will help you learn things that important like copy trading?
have you applied theirs suggestions on your trades?

Particularly the part where the trader will become accustomed to other peopleā€™s opinions, but I think we should learn from others while we have the necessary background knowledge and not just blindly mimic others.

I do agree,
but copy trading is somehow a kind of learning from others.

how do you make sure that it will also work for you?

why do think so?
because just you donā€™t trust on the people ?
maybe some professions used that.

That is what I was wondering.
the professions use copyreading as their investment trading strategies.

If you take a look at others trades wont you learn from their applied strategies?

would you elaborate more please.

For instance, experts initially do research to find proficient and profitable traders whose approaches match their risk tolerance and investing objectives.

Oh thank you for the explanation now I get it. Another question. Where people find these traders? I suppoise online right?

Anytime @Oli_jackson
donā€™t you have any trader friends? I ask because I have a few trader friends who occasionally share market updates with me.

Copy trading doesnā€™t teach you anything except from how to place trades, you just copy signals without actually knowing why. Reading books from competent traders will teach you everything you need to know. And yes, Iā€™ve used some specific youtube channels to show me how they trade to get an idea how theory works in practice.

For me it worked, but it seems you prefer copy trading and are arguing with anyone whoā€™s against it. So perhaps copy trading works best for you and is the way to go forward.

Good luck anyways.

Copy trading creates dependence on traders which is the prime drawback. And the advantage is that it can bring you some profit.