Correlating Pairs

I’m looking for a good list of correlating pairs. I haven’t been able to come across a reasonable list yet and only finding partial lists primarily mentioning the euro correlated with the aussie and whatnot. Can anyone post a longer list of pairs that move together and reverse of each other?

Hello forexpastor!

I may have just what you need:
Forex Correlation | Currency Correlation Chart | OANDA fxTrade Europe


eurusd is reverse to usdchf

That’s it

Print this out:

Should help

You could also go the hard route and figure it out yourself (probably too late now that the tables were given to you). The only reason I suggested that you dig in and do it yourself is that in my opinion the knowledge you gather by doing your own research is irreplaceable.

Thx very helpful

Have a look at this site, as etfak says re the CHF, it is minus 93/100 correlated with USDX over the past 180 days or +98 with Euro.

But look at the others - lots of learning here - e.g GBP and the S&P or Euro and GBP

Also useful for checking changes in correlation, e.g Yen and US 10yr over past 81 vs 74 etc etc
MRCI’s Inter-Market Correlations

And maybe should have added, there is always good old myfxbook:

Forex Correlation | Myfxbook

One thing you want to keep in mind is that USD will be USD, meaning if there’s a strong USD news, anything/USD will be the opposite of USD/anything. It will be opposite correlation because one goes up while the other goes down, but still be very correlated.