Hi guys!
I don’t have the time to be analyzing other threads. Other than working a full time job, most of my time is spent collecting my own numbers. Which can be overwhelming sometimes. I would like to spend more time analyzing the data than collecting it. And that would be this. From jan of this year, I keep track of the top 8 currencies, 5 majors and 3 comm’s. The long term (weekly charts) stats, medium term (daily charts) stats, and just recently now I have the short term (8 hr charts) stats. Each other paired against one another. I can tell you who was 1st down to 8th place, rating from strongest to weakest. In all three catagories.
So, when I see your synopsis of the pairs on the weekends, it always is similar to what I know. It’s just about knowing what’s going on in the market.
One of these days I will get to reading the books I bought on macroeconomics. That’s what I love. But, trying to settle down the number crunching hopefully sometime soon. Oh, and then there’s the trading aspect of it. I journal very much of my trades. And my pip counting also.
I know…I’m a nut when it comes to data.
So, I can’t indulge in more analysis. But, in time I will get it all under control.
I appreciate this thread. Will input some stuff in the coming days. Would love to talk about the market activity.