COT Report question

does COT report cover all trades done by every single individual, firms, banks, and everything.
if not, then about how much % of the volume do you think is covered in the COT Report.

because if its above lets say 80%, then it would be pretty good to use it.

If you refer to CFTC COT report then (my humble guess) would be that it contains data from institutions regulated by CFTC. If the report contains data from the biggest banks in US which are involved in FX then it is enough.
I always look at 1Y chart for Euro FX Features and add the C.O.T report. The interesting part is the dealers curve which shows how they move the market. It makes sense even more now with the recent gap in EURUSD, where this curve went into negative territory.


How do you use the COT report ? What kind of data is important to you and how do you trade it ?

i have never used COT report, im still pretty new to how it works and how important it’s. I have only gone trough the babypips school of COT report, havn’t stuided more than whats in babypips school. btw im still on demo.