Could You Survive on $100 per Day?

I’d happily take $100 a day, but I need the starting balance first.

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actually, starting balances are relatively easily acquired, these days (e.g. through any of the few funding companies that are not scams) - what you need first is a reliable method that has both a genuine, proven edge and a reasonable trading frequency, and the statistical/probability knowledge to use it safely :wink:

Right again! The amount doesn’t matter if you can’t maintain it or grow the balance.


In my country, I feel like $100 per day would be the dream. :sweat_smile: No matter how many jobs I work at the same time, they don’t really come close to this. :open_mouth: I hope I can make this happen through trading eventually. :pray:


will be very happy to make anything close to this!

You’re doing well for yourself. Why do you care what people think?

Proving yourself to others is a waste of time, in my opinion.

Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Ignore those who bring you bad energy. Life is too short for that. Unless, you find it entertaining.

You’ve accomplished something very few can. I congratulate you. I also think you’re a positive member on the forum. I enjoy reading your posts.

I really hope you spend more time doing what you enjoy, rather than trying to prove something to people on the internet. Such people will never believe anything no matter what evidence you provide.

Eagles don’t fly with sparrows. Peacocks don’t stroll with chickens.

P.S. And yes, I can survive on $100/day. I think in some countries it’s harder. But in other countries you can live quite well.


I hear what you say and I appreciate the input. I am not trying to prove anything to anybody though. Like I said, I am merely demonstrating to my fellow new traders what is possible with this forex business.


Sounds good! Sharing is fun.

It really helps when someone shows that trading is not a scam, and it IS possible to reach profitability.

Do you share your strategy also? Your strategy could help a lot of people who are searching for a profitable strategy, and they’re not sure what to do.

It may be helpful to break it down, step by step.

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If it works for you then congratulations, what about commissions though?

I thought this was about wages in different places of the world but when I read the post thrroughly, I noticed it includes trading. In my case, where I live, the wages are only $15 a day or less, 20 at best. This is one of the reasons I went into trading. Of course I aim to go for $100 but at the moment I don’t have enough reserve capital to trade at recommended 2% risk level, so I have to build it up slowly…

Great post- and yes $100 a day is great as compounds week by week. I trade with Renko charts and happy to take 12 pips a trade- also like your idea of dividing by 7500 neat idea. Have traded for many years and burnt many accounts, little proffits less risk in and out. Trading longer time for big profits did not work well for me in the last 5 years as market has changed a lot. Keep trading the way you are and you will do ok.Do not listen to others as bottom line if you are up say $400 a week plus I know many people would die for that proffit, every small proffit makes you leave the day happy to trade the next.

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One last thing seeing some new traders on your post- I have spent thousands on indicators and courses, there is no Holy Grail out there- so do not expect to be a great Forex trader in a few months, this takes time and effort like any business- but you must put a trading plan together, might be just two indicators, do not keep changing indicators around, just knicks you in the head. Try first on a demo account with even say $500, results are if you can get mostly winning trades with your system then invest your hard earnt money- but just remember how this post started with- could you survive on a $100 a day- but consider if you only made $4 a day everyday then your system is working- good luck to new traders, do not dream about wealth but how to win 60% plus of your trades- Cya


A lot of the criticism is based on you withdrawing all profits and continually showing results on a micro account. I don’t think anybody can understand why you’d do that if your results are as good as you show.

$100 a day being a lot in Jamaica and not being motivated by money are all well and good, but if that’s the case then give it to a good cause.

I think that your system is an excellent one! I would be ecstatic to be able to replicate your results! Once I’ve figured out how to trade and which broker/platform to use, maybe you could give me some tips? Lol! Thanks for the post! It has greatly encouraged me to keep learning!


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It is going to cost you.
The price is some of your time. If you are really interested in the tips you speak of make some time and go through my posts.

Savings this. The forum needs a quote section where we can save gems.


The writer in you popped off with this one. :clap: Hahaha. :smiley:


Sorry to disappoint, but I can’t take credit for that one. It’s from a rapper named Necro.