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This sounds a little patronising, implying that your average person (with an average IQ of 100) would have difficulty in understanding data if it were not made out to be too difficult to understand. My main role in life (job) is to take somewhat complex facts and turn them into something a senior manager could understand. Sometimes I win, sometimes I fail.

I have had an issue with statistics relating to Covid-19 since the start last January 2020. The UK government insists on declaring on a death certificate that the cause is Covid-19 if “the patient dies within 30 days of contracting Covid-19”. I think this is something that 99% of ordinary people (not particularly experienced in any kind of analysis) would ask “well before Covid-19, how many people died within 30 days of contracting all other diseases that required hospitalisation or medication to prevent or mitigate death”?

I have not seen stats on this matter, but I did listen to a BBC program on the way to Doncaster about six weeks ago that discussed this very topic. Without comparison, 3,500 deaths per month sounds pretty awful, except it seems to represent 3,500/1,000,000 which is one per 285 per month. How does that compare with the UK annual death rate of those who “catch the flu” every year?

If I find that stat, I will add to this, but others can do that for their own comparative benefit. Babypips is a forum for trading, and I see far too many news reports about covid elsewhere to wish to burden members on here with yet more incomplete discussion.

Edit. Some information from ONS about deaths from influenza and pneumonia - around 10,000 per month, or 3 times that headlined from Covid-19, though this data is 2020 not 2021. So how scared should we be of dying from Covid? About one third as scared as dying from flu or pneumonia. Unless someone can convince me that my logic is flawed, I will continue to believe that Covid-19 news is far too overblown, has had more money spent on it than any other disease in history, and that is dangerous because it gives conspiracy theorists a lot of ammunition to dream up alternative “reasons” for Covid-19 existence.


Is that getting harder ?

INteresting quote I heard somewhere

" Just think how stupid the Average person is - then consider that half the population is even dumber than that ! "

I ask whether your job is getting harder in recogntion of this “Even dumber” 50% and in consideration of the fact that now more than 50% of the population actually go to “University” where they are simply “educated” out of any spark of ability they may have had to “Think Critically” !

So is there anyone left among the young with a functioning brain ?

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Hi @Falstaff,
My personal experience with younger people is that they learn in different ways than people did 50 years ago. I try to be patient. Some have a serious attention span problem, but I find if they are genuinely interested in the subject matter, it matters not much whether or not they have gone to university. It matters that as an older person I try to accommodate their ways of learning. And the result is that I am an incessant youtube customer, and have got pretty good at internet search criteria over the 20 years or so that t’interweb has been around.

It’s easy to dismiss younger people. I have met some pretty clever (self made income generators) from 12 to 22 in the last few years which gives me a feeling of comfort that I may end up getting just a smidgen of a government pension, and there will be someone paying income taxes for me to take benefit from. If I don’t die of Covid first :face_vomiting:

Edit after looking for stupid on Wiki.

I think we have both used the same definition of stupid but in slightly different ways. I actually love people who act stupid. It sometimes masks a high degree of intelligence.

or lacking interest or point (vexing, exasperating).


Stupidity is a quality or state of being stupid, or an act or idea that exhibits properties of being stupid.[4] In a character study of “The Stupid Man” attributed to the Greek philosopher Theophrastus (c. 371 – c. 287 BC), stupidity was defined as “mental slowness in speech or action”. The modern English word “stupid” has a broad range of application, from being slow of mind (indicating a lack of intelligence, care or reason), dullness of feeling or sensation (torpidity, senseless, insensitivity), or lacking interest or point (vexing, exasperating). It can either imply a congenital lack of capacity for reasoning, or a temporary state of daze, or slow-mindedness.

In Understanding Stupidity , James F. Welles defines stupidity this way: “The term may be used to designate a mentality which is considered to be informed, deliberate and maladaptive.” Welles distinguishes stupidity from ignorance; where stupidity means one must know they are acting in their own worst interest in that it must be a choice, not a forced act or accident. Lastly, it requires the activity to be maladaptive, in that it is in the worst interest of the actor, and specifically done to prevent adaption to new data or existing circumstances."[5]

Playing stupid

Eric Berne described the game of “Stupid” as having “the thesis…‘I laugh with you at my own clumsiness and stupidity.’”[6] He points out that the player has the advantage of lowering other people’s expectations, and so evading responsibility and work; but that he or she may still come through under pressure, like the proverbially stupid younger son.[7]

Wilfred Bion considered that psychological projection created a barrier against learning anything new, and thus its own form of pseudo-stupidity.[8]

Isn’t that pretty much what I was saying ?

However that being the case and assuming that those who “went” were IQ 100 or more - why on earth would any thinking Boy choose to waste the £100,000 or so going to “University” - if it does not provide any practical differentiation from those of “lesser IQ” - who didn’t go there ?

“Who is John Galt ?”

Over 160,000 hospitalised and 4000 died from Influenza in Australia during 2019… Figures far in-excess of COVID statistics for 2020 and 2021 combined… Hardly made the News in 2019…

Yet COVID in 2021 has 17 million people locked in their houses for 22 hours per day…

@Mondeoman, You will have to read the original thread to understand this comment…
It has absolutely nothing to do with IQ… It’s about data and statistics that don’t match reality.

Once again if you read the origin thread, this is exactly one of the anomalies that is being debated in both threads. When previous medical statistics of other respiratory diseases are held up against the COVID pandemic data… The current restrictions and hysteria around COVID begin to look contrived.

Exactly what this threads discussion is attempting to fleshout…


Sorry to disappoint - but when I said “Stupid” - it was sinply because I used teh word “dumb” twice in my (mis)quote - so I changed the one to “Stupid” for the sake of variety ! :wink:

However your post is really quite interesting and I can point to an example of this ;

An old flame of mine was “Ed of sociology” at a local Grammar School and she had this lad called “Glen …” who was adept at playing the fool or “Stupidity” - because he was so bright - but wanted to fit in with his peers - Nowadays according to some of those with a thoughtful nature like Peterson and Aaron Clarey it is readily called “ADHD” and drugged into submission !

[ That however interesting is a deviation from teh general case ! :wink: ]

“Hey Honey, your work is good but if you don’t let me stick this thing into you, I will fire you”


“Harvey who ?”

The UK government has announced it is unlikely the country will ever return to lock-down despite rising cases in the country.

It also dropped a plan to make people in England show vaccine passports to enter crowded events such as nightclubs, the health minister said, claiming he “never liked the idea”.

Finally… Commonsense has finally won out in the UK… British Politicians that pushed for the removal of common freedoms of movement and participation in a segregated society via vaccine passports are looking quite ridiculous now…


Finally for Katie she has something to celebrate… And so do countless millions across the UK.

When you attempt to merge science with politics… Well… Unfortunately, you get just get politics…

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My laptop camera is turned off, so how did you…? :wink:

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I’m really not convinced about any of this. Not a conspiracy guy but it’s obvious to see that this is not the solution.

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This is not correct.

Covid infection is not the “cause of death” - very often the cause of death is pneumonia or organ failure. For this reason a UK death cert, which has to be written by a MD or coroner, and given to next of kin - same time it is electronically sent to ONS.

There are 2 parts on the cert - 1st is health or event sequence leading directly to death, part 2 are other health conditions that contributed to death but were not of the direct sequence.

On the cert there is a box “underlying cause of death” - this is where you guys glean the numbers on flu deaths etc - this box is for data recording.

The underlying cause of death is defined as the health condition or event that started the train of events leading to death and is worked out according to rules from the WHO.

Covid is the underlying cause of death in around 92% of deaths where it was mentioned on the death certificate.

Pretty boring stuff - recent neighbour tested positive, had diabetes, into hospital with pneumonia and sadly passed - so which one was the cause of death?

(Source ONS UK)

Loved that show.

Some years back I had stuff stolen in a burglary - cops were useless, just took details and suggested insurance. Cross big time so decided on an A-Team method, worked with what I clues i had, some leg work and finally got a cctv image of a guy attempting to sell one of my items.

Called the cops this time with a description, ummm…, took the details and I figured that’s the end of that.

The detective gave the description to his boss and minutes later he called me - 'do you know where this guy lives?

Within the hour the criminal and 2 of his associates were arrested, along with not only my stuff but lots others.

And guess what the lead detective did when he came into my office - yep, he lit up a cigar and said the famous speak.

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No, this is not boring stuff. It is essential to understand how the reporters of Covid cases, hospitalisations and deaths come up with the numbers. In an increasingly data-centric world, it is absolutely necessary to understand the source of the data to make judgments on the reported outcomes and their impact on society. I thank you for stating what is actually put on a death certificate but now I am more confused than I was before I read this thread.

The reason I am suspicious of all reported statistics is that they can be manipulated to whatever outcome the manipulator wishes to express. I often listen to a BBC radio program titled More or Less, and they often point out where statistics reported on news channels are just plain subjective or worse still, mlsleading.

And who would have thought that news reporters wanted to mislead anyone? They are philanthropic, aren’t they?


Oh dear… Even the long term vaccine shills have given up on durability of the double jabs…

Its now accepted that these vaccines are subject to waning and COVID has been confirmed to be endemic, you’ll be forced to climb out from under your doona and get the liability free EUA Booster every six months or so…

They are now suggesting go out and get the virus to ensure a longer lasting, more durable natural immunity. It’s what a few of us have been confirming for months…

These Vaccines just don’t work…


The CDC Suddenly Changes the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination’

Very interesting change on the CDC website when it comes to the definitions for “vaccine” and “vaccination.” The timing of the change is very interesting.

(Pfizer will be releasing all documentation for their FDA Approval including formulation, labeling and product usage data in the next few days… We’ll get to see what makes up this cocktail…)

Pfizer BioNTech Approval.pdf (4.1 MB) (Makes for some Interesting Reading…)

Note that it would appear that the CDC is trying to change how we understand the concept of vaccinations. (See Below)

Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

That had been their definition since at least May 16, 2018, come September 1, suddenly there was a big change.

Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

Why are they trying to back off of what the definitions used to be? Now they are talking about a vaccine stimulating the immune response but not to “produce immunity.” Now they’re saying a vaccination doesn’t produce immunity but will “produce protection.”

There is a lot more nefarious information about to come to light in the next few weeks as well…


I see some more bad news coming out of Australia -
Ban on Ivermectin because it ‘doesn’t fit vaccine agenda’
I saw this news on story by Daniel Horowitz also on his Twatter account.



If you missed this it is worth a listen


Thank you @Dennis3450
I heard about this scam - it’s outrageous that the drug barons are tweaking Ivermectin so they can patent this ‘wonder medicine’.

Google ‘BigPharma criminal history’