Create wealth with my GBP/USD & EUR/USD signals! No losses. FREE for now

If EU countertrend long holds true then we have had a second (and most powerful) long entry at 1.3377. I am using sl 1.3352 and targets are 1.3577 and 1.3629

No losses…? Misleading title or?

I am adding to my eur/usd longs (countertrend from Fri) at 1.3364 now

Why don’t you join the action and answer that question for yourself?

Thank you justfxcurious! I hope you ride the AUD/USD rollercoaster to the very end with me and make hundreds of green pips! Thank you for being in our group !
Much love.

Gives me a nice warm feeling inside my heart when I read such nice positive comments on my thread.

Thanks Mehdi and thanks also for being part of the action and fun.

Much love.


New long opportunities now on EUR/USD at 11:00 gmt (countertrend)

More EUR/USD longs now :slight_smile:

sl 1.3351 target hour close above 1.3577 and/or 1.3629

an impulse has appeared on GBP/USD at 1.5686 that ‘MAY’ take it up to 1.5845 with sl 1.5651. I would only take this with entries closer to sl

I decided to go long on GBP/USD at 1.5681 with sl 1.5651 and target above 1.5845

new long on EUR/USD at 1500gmt

I see many reasons to long the GBP/USD and EUR/USD now

Long eur/usd now at 0800gmt same sl as yesterday. Long gbp/usd countertrend now also with sl 1.5613 target above 1.5845

There may be a countertrend starting on aud/usd now. I have taken some profits off my positions bt leaving most to run to target

Gbp ct trade is now cancelled. Aud/usd also. Eur still intact

Target and subsequent reversal levels for EUR/UISD are 1.3577 and 1.3629

short AUD/USD now at 0800gmt sl 1.0382 target beyond 1.0146

we have had 3 separate AUDUSD shorts now

There was a short on GBP/USD at 0800gmt today. I totally missed it , and its such a beauty 130 pips+ already and counting!