Creepy Email

Hi all
this is the only FOREX Forum that I have left a message on recently. Today I get this email from <[email protected]>
It seems phoney to me so I figured I would post it here. If this person is legit thanks but no thanks. If you are a scammer, bite me!

Dear Forex friend,

I saw you in a trading group recently and I just wanted to ask you
I’m not sure if you’ve been looking for a new dealing firm (with all
the consolidation that’s been going on in the industry, it’s getting
harder to find a dealing firm you can count on, isn’t it?)

That’s why I wanted to let you know that I found a Broker who can be
counted on. He offers multiple platforms, free eSignal, and cash
rebates on trades, and plenty of good information about trading. He
works with the biggest and best capitalized dealing firms. He’s not
running a fly-by-night outfit.

Just reply back that you’re interested and I’ll put you in touch with
a guy in my group that can help you.


scam for sure

As far as I’m concerned, ANY company – Forex or otherwise – that has to resort to spam to get customers is not worth bothering with, even if they are “legit”.

Think about it: If the only way they can get customers is to scan forums and websites for someone’s e-mail address, how ethical do you think they’ll be in their dealings with you?

That’s the way I look at it, anyway.


To BlkOnyx :

I will say to you what I say to anyone with this or any other query.

[B]Do your own research to exhaustion first[/B]

In this case you should be searching out your own choice of broker based on your particular requirements. To solve this, there are websites to be visited and plenty of phone calls to be made.

When that is done you can look up the many recomendations on this forum in the “rate you broker” section.

You are then in a position to make an intelligent choice.

The email(s) you are receiving are should be and are completely irrelevant and can be instantly deleted the moment they are received.

Thank for posting that BlkOnyx! I will check that spammer out.