Currency matchmaking from hell

Yes, now focusing on weekly and daily TF and will recalculate ranking for last 3 and 2 trading days to see how strength of each currency is changing during the week - instead of basing my current week’s strategy with rankings from last week.

Also I rather look each currency strength and how this strength changes each day and try to quantify such change and strength with a number than just count how many arrows up or down cause different currency you make them in a pair also differ in strength.

Well - still in process of testing and tweaking and seeing what works but I do see my rankings differ from yours and SweetPip’s so will be interesting this week which one of us 3 will have the most accurate currency strength ratings.

Currently my method for this week tells me no currency is strongly bullish or bearish and only mildly good pair to trade would be to go long USD/CHF.

Saw some decent reactions at the NZD zones marked earlier:

Let’s see how the zones marked earlier worked out with the much feared NFP news release. Now if I could just learn to trust my own analysis…

Unfortunately, I did not enter prior to the release because I chickened out :39:
Entered short EURUSD upon break of second zone after NFP.

GBPUSD presented a couple of good trading opportunities.

JPY lost its strength during the week and the zones only produced weak reactions.

Two shorting opportunities for EUR at the zones marked earlier.

Same story as GBPJPY.

NZDUSD went through a bit of a reversal, but that ended abruptly at the top most zone.

These were great zones; see how the candles failed to close within the zones on the way up, and how large sell orders were clustered there on the way down.

No love for JPY here either.

Nice thread Pippatron,

You should have open this thread at Newbie Island for get some volatile traffic :stuck_out_tongue: Two days before Peterma (a member here) told me about your chart which is you posted prior to NFP. That time I didn’t noticed you had a thread. Will participate coming days. :57:

Anyway subscribed it.

Happy Trading

Haha, I am chasing fortune, not fame :p. But yeah, I’ve been thinking of leaving this thread and just starting a log in the Trading Journals section.

When a zone works this well I like to think I’ve spotted what Deutsche bank is looking at… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, no problem. If you think that’s good then start over there. I will be there :slight_smile:

Hi Salim,

I have started a trading log here: