Daily Moving Average Peak Times

Can someone tell me what are the times in each session where most currency pairs reach the peak of their daily moving average?

I have heard that 10:30am EST for the London session. Can anyone elaborate or point me to a site where this is displayed?

[QUOTE=“solboy;537506”]Can someone tell me what are the times in each session where most currency pairs reach the peak of their daily moving average?

I have heard that 10:30am EST for the London session. Can anyone elaborate or point me to a site where this is displayed?[/QUOTE]

That’s an impossible question to answer as there are 24 different variations as to when daily bars open and close… Each one could have a different average daily range. And each could hit there average range at a different time.

Hi solboy,

You might find this section of the school helpful:

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I think the simple answer is London open for most most pairs. New York open will also have a move. Also certain pairs like NU/AU/UJ will move during Sydney/Tokyo often.

Best Days of the Week to Trade | When Can You Trade Forex? | Learn Forex Trading - Read that and the lessons before. As for something more detailed with statistics of the ADR, you might have to do that analysis on your own. Please do share if you find a resource or decide to make a study.

Thanks Kashix, that’s a very resourceful page you sent. I was thinking a particular time for several pairs in each session. I notice that some pairs reach their peak average at odd hours early in the morning around 5:30am eastern. But most I’ve seen are around 11am eastern.