Danielle’s intro

Hi I’m im trying to get my money back from the market!!

Better to stop trading, then, until you have learnt how to trade properly. Otherwise you’ll blow the whole lot. Start the learning process by pressing the green education button above

There is no way of recovering your lost money from the market. In such a rage, you can lose even more. So, you should rather improve your knowledge by practising your skills on your broker’s demo account.

Hello there! See, it’s really not possible to get your money back in Forex Trading. What you can do is think rationally and press on the green education button that will introduce you to the concepts and basics of trading missed out earlier to make better decisions while trading. Devote a few months learning and then start with a demo account. The best part about these is that you’ll still be trading but with fake currency. So even if you lose, it won’t be your real money and if you win, you’ll know what strategy you should follow.