David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Yes I understand all the concepts, just need to play them over in my head as they play out on the charts, and rinse repeat.

Crude light went straight through the bull/bear zone - PA didn’t give too many opportunities on M10/M15 to jump on. Bounced off the H1 200sma though. Perhaps there is opportunity to go short if it pulls back a little towards the 100sma and there is some decent PA entry patterns. I have a D1 level up at the 9000 level which would be nice for a retest sell off of here, but its quite a long way back up in this risk off market.

Seems so many david answering qns which so funny…

read davids thread 511 and thread after thread on this issue…

Its because we want the thread to continue, and it wont if you continue to ask questions which have already been answered, countless times.

 Thanks Mitch, for dealing with that one.............

Hi to all the readers and David in particular,

No point to express more than in the title, we all appreciate David input and implication.

Thank to Just-in-Credible for his work to make a PDF and the Q&A list.

To help David to avoid to repeat and repeat himself and to have a base of work for existing and future readers/followers. David could of course, if he feels it, do as some others in this forum.

Create a series of videos with each about a particular subject, and he could make of a progression with the links in the first post.

I was going to send the message with the blue text below, but made a search and It would appear that free solutions to have webinars exists, there are so far onWebinar and GoLiveRoom, If anyone has experience using them, feedback would be welcome.

If the free solutions is good enough then the possibilities are:
a live room (from 1 to x hours), a morning session of 1h, etc.

A formula I came across is the following:

The guy runs 1 monthly Sunday webinar with education material one important subject at a time, then other Sundays, a follow up on the subject and Q&A, he also runs a live room split in two sessions over the day to cover the move and updates (Not free of course)

The webinars could be recorded for those that are not able to match the time with the UK times.

To complement the videos, I know 2 names that offer educational webinars/live trading room.
(Please note: I do not try to make publicity, I am just trying to give David some ideas to how he could spread his knowledge)
The problem is that at further stage costs are involved and this is were it could go against the forum rules about advertising a paying service, unless David can agree with the mods of the forum or take the cost of the service at his charge.

I don’t Know if I can say more about it, so I won’t.

All depends on David’s intentions to continue to spread his knowledge on his time

Have a wonderful day,


thanks dennis1468555555,
for copying and pasting and copying and pasting as nothing better to doooooo…hahahaha

David’s concept is not a very hard one to grasp so there are many people here who can relay the basics to you just as effectively, As you can tell by his early morning rant, the repetitive answering of very very basic questions (that could be avoided if you had just looked at the thread in more detail) hits people’s nerves.

so u help us if u find our questions basic , really need some help and all of us need to help one another because some of us may not catch up like me… so help

Okay as I said last night, order flow trading can be used in many ways. One of the main ways is to use it as the purest form of scalping… many bank algos trade the flow in short term fluxes. But I’m not going to go into that are discuss it further.

Personally when I trade flow data, I use tick charts, but I understand that not everyone has that available to them or understands them.

So this approach will make it more simple to follow.

Heres what your going to need in order to trade order flow in the most basic of ways.

5 minute chart

Reliable flow data, contacts, or paid for supplier from a respected provider, not a micky mouse one, if you choose to go down the Walt Disney route then chances are your trading flow that doesn’t exist… never has or is no longer valid. So don’t be miserable, and bloody pay for a proper provider and respected!

Fast execution trading platform/account

Not every OF level is taken notice of by flow traders/scalpers… but the flow is still there.

First of all, when a level is reported on having a bid or offer, don’t be naive in thinking thats the only levels with flow… first of all flow is every where, every level, every tick is flow. But the ones reported are from the bigger money.

Also when a level is given there will still be fair sized bids or offers each side of the level. So if I said there was bids @ 1.5650, then the pro money bids would likely start around 1.5655ish and be down as low as 1.5645ish. Normally a 5 pip range on both sides of the level, but it can be as much as 10 pips both sides.

What you want to be interested in, is the 5 minute candle that actually attacks the level reported, and read the pattern or action that takes shape… when I say pattern, I don’t mean 1-2-3’s or any other chart formation, what I mean is how the 5 minute candle reacted on close at the level.

I’m looking for proof that the candle was bid or offered, using spikes, or the actual type of candle its self and where it closed.

Also only ever trade the level once… not twice, not three times, not four times, not five times or more…just ONCE!

The level maybe tested many times, but the first test will east much of the bids… any other tests will just be eating what remains there in terms of cash flow, could be minor, could be a lot… but the first attempt is where you make your decision only.

I only posted a very small amount of flow last night on twitter…

Lets start with the AUD/USD flow… (stochastic and MA’s are not used)

As I was typing and making the chart above, price attacked the lower bid line…

What most flow traders do, is have a code, or fast execution button that if clicked, will instantly take a trade with a pre-fixed stop and money management and targets set, based on multiple contracts.

When order flow scalping, you must remember the moves will be small, when bids or offers are hit… it does not mean price will dip or rallies 50 or 100 pips… the effects are normally 3-20ish pips 90% of the time.

On the pre-fix I mentioned above, most order flow traders will take 2-3 contracts, one contract will be closed at 3 pips+ spread and the stop moved to entry on the second and third automatically, the second contract is normally closed around 6-8 pips. Then the stop will trail price by 5 pips on the third contract until stopped or manually closed. Stops are normally around the 10 pip mark.

Thats just a basic outline on some risk and style some flow traders work it… you can do what ever suits… but remember 90% of the time the move will be 3ish to 20ish pips.

This type of order flow trading has limited and small risk, not in terms of the stop size, but the fact that you are trading the bid or offer from a large fund, bank, corporate ect ect ect… so the chance of success is high not just on the given trade but over time.

On the charts above for the Aussie the first move @ 1.0350 was good for around 5 pips. The first move on 1.0330 was good for around 10 pips. The first move on 1.0285 was good for around 10 pips and the first move on 1.0275 on the second chart was good for 10+ pips…still going. Why are the 2 last moves better?
Simple… we have more volume since its London trade. The first 2 moves during over night sessions was low volume Aussie trade on a new market open.

All of us are new to his concept, all of us are new to his style, all are us are still learning.

Yes, this thread is getting on to top 5 hits for the billboard just within a week?

Haha, quite scary and maybe too overwhelming…
Anyone has any great ideas ???

Download the PDF that a very helpful member posted just 4 pages ago, this has a lot of David’s posts plus a lot of simple questions and answers.

Download David Jefferson (Technical Analysis Trading Method).pdf from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

Hope it helps soulreaction.

Hi Bid I have never seen the charts before like I see them from this perspective that David has been teaching us. Its amazing it so amazing

hey guys , regarding GU , I took a short position at 1.5565 after the break of the 200MA and consolidation . It went OK and now is stuck at the 61.8 Fib of the last swing high at 1.5530, is this the place to exit or do I wait to see where its gonna go. Sorry dont know how to post charts.

Thanks MitchellForex.

I am copying and pasting what david covered already so david does no have to do it to answer your question…I joined the thread late to so we have to just take time out and startreading from the beginning. We just are trying not to have david reapeating the same answers to the same questions. He is to valuable and we cant afford to loose him, we our all learning

And here is the USD/JPY based on my order flow post on twitter:

Hey Sarkash, personally I would get out. You spotted the 618 but also the ATR for cable is 86 pips at the moment and it has already travelled 93 pips. It could well go further but I would play safe myself. Well done. Failing that you could move your SL more aggressively or take some profit and let the rest run (but not me). Chris

Seems like an interesting way to grab a few ticks while waiting for the big set ups

Cheers shoot2scoot I reckon you are right ,61.8 and stochs oversold , I’m out .
I wait now for a pullback to the 200MA to see where my next move is .