David Jefferson aka: Rave55 (Technical Analysis Trading Method)

Now that 1.2080 is clear, it may head back down and bounce of 1.2060 next…

Dave: The 1.2100 option expiry for NY cut would you trade off that level on long side on first bounce?


Yes I trust Reuters, and I also know a lot of the analysts and staff that work there and work for them.

If we were attacking from above yes… thats a mighty sized option there… hence why the EURO has been unable to move away from it today. It expires at 3pm.

Yes we just had a nice bounce off it for 11 pips!! Option expires in 15 minutes!!



So have I converted you lot into order flow traders and barrier traders now… ?

Price is holding firm above 1.2100 with the option expiry in 2-3 mins… it has to stay above to pay out the premium… so a tug-of-war battle going on.

You have certainly converted me. Any and all your insights on this style of trading will be greatly appreciated. Cheers,


Ya, pretty much…

Hello All,
Another Newbie to Trading, In fact i am new to BabyPips also after registering last night, I havnt got much further than Davids thrwead which is one of the first acticles i found myself reading through , I am reading through from the start and already have hopes of understanding this trading style , i keep jumping to the current threads to see how you guys are going in realtime , very interested , i am in Australia but i work NightShifts and can keep track here.

There was one comment that someone here has made this convo into a PDF , but i cant find it ?

Thanks to all for sharing this Education/Chat/knowledge i hope i can learn and grow with it.

Hi Stormgirl, your maybe the first female reader/poster here, I think! Maybe, maybe not.

I’m going to post the PDF on the first post I made here so that people can find it.

I didn’t make the PDF, and to be honest I can’t remember who it was… so whoever it was let me know so that I can added to post #1.




Path to 1.2060 now open…

Any thoughts?

Its free to roam since the 1.2100 barrier expired… we can see price now move under there as its no longer being protective bid.

If it can find some offers or sell stops then yes that will be a magnet for price.

There is offers above 1.2150, and sell stop in the 1.2080’s… but London is coming to a close soon and the NY cut-off has passed… so be careful.

My trading day is finished.

Trying to master working with MA’s and BB zones before even start looking at the order flow stuff.

Could be a while.

I like the info about the protection of strikes, and the pulling of the protective bids after 3pm- it just helped me out and I was oblivious to this before hand. Thanks David.

No problemo

They both complement each other anyway, so both ways will be a help to you.

I’ve got it bookmarked, pdf and a load of good links. It was JustinCredible, posted on page 49 post 485…yesterday :eek:


Thank you JustinCredible finally got the hang of this download opportunity and caught it. Very helpful.

Thanks Dave,

I’m really diggin’ this order flow trading, and like a lot of guys, (and now gals :wink: ) here, I used to look at price action and think I had a clue what was goin’on, when I really had none!

It’s funny, I used to get into a trend and expect the price to move, and just watch it flounder up and down for an hour, literally from 9-10am and wonder what the hell was goin on :slight_smile:

G/U - For the ‘old school’ (one week at least! ha ha) still trading without order flow, here is cable as I see it. BBZ - the hourly 200Ma sits just on the 38% fib retrace at the bottom edge. I have extended the top edge beyond the 50% retrace to include the weekly PP and 100 MA. Sadly I think that it is a little late now for the 60 pip move that is required to reach the BBZ! (please ignore the dotted lines as they refer to entries and stops for another strategy). Comments on my theory?