Day job with forex trading?

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Tuesday and Friday

Trading Daily Charts will take no more than 30 minutes daily to manage your trades…

Therefore there are few jobs that you can not do.

My income comes from trading only… daily charts.


I am interesting in knowing this complex rule-order system, any links, ideas or resources? Thanks buddy

This is how to know a day job to do alongside forex.

Step 1: First create a Trading strategy
Step 2: Your trading strategy specify the time required to be in the market .
Step 3: Remove the time demanded by your strategy from the entire time of the day/week/month.
Step 4: then find the job that can fit in the remaining time.

That’s the job to do!..Lol.

If you are planning for part term trading, then any type of normal office job can be your best choices. But if your plan is to trade on professional basis, then no certain answer to this question. Best of luck!

LOL is the right thing to say about this advice alright.

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Probably sales/. You can take breaks in between and put in your trades.

Lol you guys are jokers. Put in trades during your work break. Come on man. Unless you have become successful trading like this please dont advise it.


My favorite device to use in trading is my office computer. It’s easier to do charting on a 24" desktop at work than the 14" my laptop at home has. :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

Only downside is i have to use my lunch time to chart… or go “ninja mode” (which is not recommended coz it makes you prone to mistakes). :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

It’s ok to use your spare time at work I often analyse markets and place trades when I complete my tasks, but you have to make sure trading doesn’t interfere with your performance at work because you can risk with your position and salary.

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You’re fortunate to have a job which gives you spare time. The last two jobs I had carried no such luxuries. I left.

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Hi, in 2015 i quit my job at apknite company and began to trade FX full-time. In hind-sight i was under-capitalised, discipline went awol with the pressure (it was never an issue before going FT) and my health and relationships all suffered because of it.

I went into the venture with confidence in my +ve expectancy strategy from 3 years of live trading albeit part-time and the belief and attitude that I could do it.

4 yrs later, i have learnt far more about trading and about myself than prior to going FT and will only consider going FT again if the pay-checks stop from my employment! very careful what you wish for, the grass isn’t always greener. Good luck whatever you decide.


Now that is a good post.

This has been discussed at length on one or two other threads and very recently too.

There is a major difference between trading on a part time basis and trading because your life and bills depend on it. It gets easier as time goes by and with a build up of confidence. But this assumes that you already know what you’re doing and have at least been trading profitably on a part time basis for at least a few years (and even that is no guarantee but that’s another whole topic). Going into it full time because you THINK or BELIEVE you can do it will end up in tears (and possibly FAR worse) i.e. not only are you taking a big risk with whatever funds you may have saved or have at your disposal but that coupled with the added pressure increases the odds substantially of your having to again try and get into the job market. And sometimes that’s not so easy (and “failed trader” as your previous occupation doesn’t sit particularly well with most HR Departments).


I would suggest any sort of office job where you have unlimited approach to internet connection. In this way you will be able to do your ordinary job” and keep your chart open in front of you so that you can catch all interesting market moves

Dunno in which country YOU live or what day jobs YOU’VE had. But you’d last five minutes here unless you’re self employed I can tell you.

And besides:

If you are trading intraday: then that is all you should be doing. There is absolutely no place for distractions of ANY kind whatsoever.

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Hello, I was amazed to read your experience as mine is close to yours.

I got involved with trading in 2014. In 2016 I quit my job at a bank because it just wasn’t leaving me with any time or energy left to trade Forex.

I was under-capitalized, had some debts to pay until 2018, but I was single and living at my parents’ home which was a bonus. At the end I failed to make any money, lost all I had, had sleepless nights and my debts grew a little. Finally after a year I had to look for a job.

But my decision lead to a lot of positive consequences and lessons. Now I work for the government and have a lot of time to trade. My pay-check is much bigger than in my previous job. I learned A LOT about myself and about trading, which I wouldn’t have learned otherwise. My debts will only be paid in 2020, but that’s ok as I consider that was the price to pay for all the knowledge I acquired. Because I had more time than when I was working for the bank, I found love and some months ago we married. So it wasn’t all that worse. It were hard times, but I consider myself in a better situation than before.

Now I haven’t lost any money from trading for more than a year, and it’s just a matter of time until I earn more with Forex than from working for the government. I believe the decision I took 3 years ago catapulted me nearer to trading full-time. Maybe if I had not done this it would take longer.

So at the end of the day, it all depends on the (real) risks someone is taking. If someone has family and kids to look after, sincerely I advise not taking the risk. It will be better to stay with that steady income no matter how long it takes to be able to trade full-time. Just embrace the fact that it could take a decade. You have to look after your family first.

But if instead someone doesn’t have that much to lose, a lot to win, and if you can’t stop thinking about it, then take the risk : what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!

Good luck!