Any idea what might happen if a debt ceiling plan is reached before the deadline? Will it send the USD way up against the JPY and other currencies?
How about going to default? Would it sink the USD/JPY further?
Any idea what might happen if a debt ceiling plan is reached before the deadline? Will it send the USD way up against the JPY and other currencies?
How about going to default? Would it sink the USD/JPY further?
Lemme get my crystal ball…
Not sure if the US defaults and can’t end up on an agreement then sink
Were just going to have to be on our toes and much like ICT’s strategy observe, analyze, and take the shot once we have calculated all the risk. ( As far as I’ve looked in to his strategy so far )
That’s a sure method for paying our debt in different countries. But as Democrats and Republicans struggle to balance the federal budget and come to an agreement regarding the debt ceiling, the threat of national debt default has many perplexed.
I really don’t know how am i be able to answer rightly your question. But I am sure if the debt ceiling plan would be successful we will no longer have a big debt. And it MIGHT make the USD way up against the JPY and other currencies.:61:
All i know right now is that, our government balance the federal budget and come to an agreement regarding the debt ceiling, the threat of national debt default has many perplexed. Political wrangling over the nationwide debt and the debt ceiling is sending a message many Americans do not want to hear. Conventional wisdom states that China is the solution to the question of “Who owns The United States?”, and that default will place the United States too far behind. Yet as an enlightening report by Business Insider points out, conventional wisdom concerning who owns America is wrong. China has a major stake, but much like in Japan, most of United States debt is nationally held.