Demetrius servant of YAHUAH El Shaadia

Hi, im new to this. I’m from Philadelphia, PA, I love forex, it’s stressful but fun also. I’ve been in the navy for almost 20 years now, and im getting ready to retire. I want to work from home, home school my kids, and forex to me seems like the direction to go because I enjoy it. I’ve had a stressful adult life, and now I see an opportunity to be relaxed and work. Im not worried about being rich just paying my bills and having fun doing it. Plus I want to be one of the greatest forex traders so I can teach my family.

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Hi and welcome :slight_smile: start from the education section and good luck :slight_smile: Regards Greg

Nice intro title. Welcome to the forum. This is a safe place to learn about Forex. Best of luck in your education.

Welcome to the community, @AO1MOORE. You have great goals. I hope you achieve them all.