Demotivated... is this normal?

Of course 5% pcm - or any other amount - is each individual’s prerogative. I didn’t suggest otherwise, or certainly did not intend to, apologies if I did (can’t see the whole thread within this response window on my 'phone).

I just think that there is too much discussion of doubling accounts in too fast a timescale as it implies that that sort of return is much more common and achievable than is the reality. The vast majority will never get anywhere near it.

Of the odd few who do, my view is that doing it on tiny amounts £10 trades etc - is a wholly different prospect from doing it on a proper sum, the sort of amount that will cause currency trading to spit out a meaningful income.

So all I meant is that I feel the massive percentage returns are given disproportionate prominence around here.

On a site where most seem to struggle to make a few hundred, it just seems to me to be putting the cart before the horse.

But I did not intend to suggest to anyone what their prerogative might be and an entirely comfortable with us disagreeing.

This is not an easy answer as you have not given enough vital information. I will give it a shot anyway, as most others have.

In case this is an abnormal event, i.e. you usually achieve better trading results, then ignore this. Sometimes this can happen even to the best strategy. What has caused the losses? Did you forget about an economic even which caused prices to be temporarily more volatile, etc.?

In case this happens quite often to you, then it may be your strategy but again you have not given us enough information on that. You are showing us nine trades and from what I can see you have six losses and only three positive trades, but you made roughly $20 per trade while you kept your losses slightly below $10 so I would not just look at the three losses in a row, but look at the entire picture.

Only you can determine if you should change your strategy or not, but if you are not able to achieve constant weekly profits you may want to consider adjusting your existing strategy or changing it completely.