Did the Assault Weapons Ban Slow the Acceleration of Mass Shootings?

I am not selling anything to anyone. With the exception of currency, periodically. The Fox News immigration argument is racist at its core and not supported by any facts. You are more likely to be killed by a domestic assailant with a weapon than immigrants from the middle east or any where else. Just like you are more likely to die in a car accident than aeroplane crash whereas the latter achieves more press coverage.

It is a distraction. Gun crime is a problem and gun control is the solution; it’s not rocket science.

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I put that down to capitalism, greed, lack of regulation and the other-isation of foreigners.

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Humans just seem to enjoy hating each other.
Take 2 men from North London, they hate each other because one is from Islington (so brought up to follow Arsenal) and the other from Tottenham (so a Tottenham supporter).
Together they jointly hate anyone from northern England (bloody scruffy Northerners).
Both these groups unite in their hatred of Scots, however if a foreign football team plays against any British team, they forget their differences and focus their hatred onto Jonny Foreigner.
But, as lovers of other sports as well, they join up with their European allies at golfs Ryder Cup time to project a unified wall of hate to their American opponents. Until, that is, America wins and they all start looking for a scapegoat.

No doubt some time in the distant future, our descendants will be cursing the “bloody Martians” about something


That’s what it will take to have some unity here on Earth.

Certainly the American War against us resulted exactly FROM - attempts to introduce regulation !

Yiu don’t even seem to live in US - but still think it is your prerogative to tell them how to run their Country !

We in the Western world need far LESS “Regulaion”, not yet more and “Social Justice Warriors” demanding ever more of it is a significant part of the problem.

People need “Hate” whether it be against other races, other Religions (One of the great divisors) or against "Capitalism" everyone needs an “Enemy” - It’s just part of our Evolutionary psychology. :laughing:

Capitalism, greed and the lack of regulation is what I would say is the root cause of the industrialisation of the West African slave trade, which has now become synonymous with slavery itself.

The original slaves in the Virginia Colony were poor, unemployed white Englishmen that were shipped over to america in search of employment opportunity and a better life. They worked the land as indentured servants (slaves) in the neo-feudalism that existed in america until they could settle the debts associated with their transit to the new world, that was very often a life sentence because of the low life expectancy.

Then came regulation, which improved working conditions for the these Englishmen and costs for landowners and created incentive for slave merchants to source cheaper labour elsewhere in a gradual process through which the vast majority of imported indentured servants became African…

Poor English and African freeman along with their indentured contemporaries started to agitate for more rights…the solution to which was found by then Governor Gooch whom introduced the concept of Whiteness (in a heterogeneous European migrant society) as a tool for social control. Divide and conquer, to systematically restrict the rights of the African indentured servants and disenfranchise them from the original promise of america; freedom, civil liberty and land.

To give the poor white population some buy-in to instead oppress their black contemporaries, and change the terms of indenture to life long then hereditary and create a class stratification of society in america based on race.

That is a summary of my view and I am sure I have left out many details, however the point is clear; the motivating factor here is greed, racism is the tool and the excuse.

And I feel that people like Mr Trump and his race bating associates are no different and this is history repeating itself over and over again. He does not care about poor america white america or otherwise and he is distracting you and dividing you from people with whom you could coalesce to bring about meaningful change.

Let’s not forget that we’re just animals. And as such the basic “pack instinct” is still working with full force.
The examples you’ve given are briliant simply because they showcase the tendency of the population to unite around a common goal (hate) or against a common threat.
As long as an external factor is not affecting us or our community “bubble” directly - let someone else deal with it (“oi, not my problem,mate”). And we’ll continue to fight against each other.
Just think about it.
Everyone is looking for a community to join and to feel a sense of belonging to it. Just because that’s where you’re amonst peers and likeminded individuals. It can be a hobby, hate, or some other kind of interest - you name it, it exists.
Religion, car clubs,PCs, consoles, football (or any other sport) clubs, knife enthusiasts, gun owners, forex traders, dutch ovens, cast iron skillets, etc. Pick a topic - you’ll find a community. It’s embeded in our DNA to seek the protection and sense of belonging to a “pack”.

You can see it in the news, tv, politics - if you’re not with us -> you’re against us. People are pushed to the extremes, thus polarizing them even more. There is a lack of moderation. The moderate middle is being progressively pushed towards “extinction” simply because it’s unacceptable to have a person that cannot be other than left or right.
And that’s what scares me.
Everything brought to the extreme is dangerious, even breathing and drinking water.
Do not forget that there is a full spectrum of colours, not just black and white.

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@eddieb See we don’t really have this issue in Australia, as a western society, we are so isolated from the rest of the western world and its the main reason we are so sensitive to immigration from such differing cultures…

We had ONE mass shooting and the Government had an amnesty and rid Australia of millions of guns…so our gun issues were sorted within a few short years…

You can travel from one end of Australia to the other (4000km) and accents are the same, a few words may differ, laws are similar (Road, Alcohol etc)… We all barack hard for our AFL football teams, but respect is shown on the way home from the match…very rarely fighting or carrying on…It’s family orientated…

In the UK you travel 200 miles and accents change, even the language (Welsh) with an almost pathological following of your Soccer teams…

Similar in the US, the South is very different to the North… the East coasters wary of the flakey West coasters etc…

Our Medical system is one of the best in the world… unlike the UK with your huge waiting times and the US where it’s a case of how sick can you afford to be… I have friends in both and are petrified of the quality of the health services.

We also have a very generous welfare system. We have refugees from the Middle East and Africa skipping through five countries just to get free health and welfare… it’s like christmas every pension day…

Up until the 80’s Australia was a Banana Republic… even our currency wasn’t floated at this point…So we feel that we are now under siege with the rest of the worlds problems and hatred being imported via immigration…

Before anyone starts yelling racist… Our population was 18 Mil until 10 years ago and now nearing 25 mil in a year or two, our culture and quality of living is being diluted at an alarming rate…

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Working off a debt is NOT “Slavery” !

The Slaves shipped by the UK to America were captives usually of different African tribes caught in raids by one tribe against another and sold or traded to the captains of the Slave ships, where they were held in chains and sold again to landowners in “the colonies” or exchanged for tobacco, Rum or whatever - There was no “Indentured servant” sanitisation involved.

There was no hope for freedom and if they misbehaved they could be tortured and killed with impunty - even if they didn’t their children, wives and husbands could and were traded like any other commodity.

That trade was rightly stopped and the slaves made “Free”.

“Slavery” still exists in the UK and it may be better for some UK residents to look closer to home for thijngs like that and FGM (and even MGM) before attacking the democratically elected head of state of other countries and the freedoms afforded to it’s citizens under it’s properly made constitution ! (Something the UK does not possess either)


So you would advocate for children to work in sweatshops, are they not technically paid?

And your chronology is mixed up here. These are post industrialisation of west African slavery and the bona fide race based class system. You will find that the first west Africans came under the same terms of indenture.

The root cause of this exploitation is greed, unfettered capitalism allows too much room for greed to obscure the mutual benefits which should be inherent in capitalism; individuals motivated by self interest finding the most productive uses of resources to create solutions that benefit society and thereby enriching themselves.

I would advocate foreign nationals to look to their own countries’ problems as I said, before attacking the properly elected heads of state of other countries and their citizens’ rights under their properly made constitutions.

You are in UK ? Look towards doing something positive and practical to alleviate the sufferring of uk residents held in real Slavery and the issues of FGM and MGM - rather than wasting my time, by playing at Social Justice troublemaking by keyboard !

That’s ALL I am saying !

Ignoring that the image above mentioned the US, Irish in the UK and Ireland (before independence) were treated appallingly by multiple British governments. Many forget, or don’t know, that the 30 year long “troubles” started off as a peaceful protest by Irish Catholics trying to gain the same opportunities as their Protestant brethren

Doctor: You really ought to stop smoking crack, it’s not good for your health finances and brain function

Patient: Well you smoke cigarettes and cheat on your wife. so take care of your own matters first.

Doctor: Fair enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

You class yourself as a Doctor ?

No You are just a “Keyboard Warrior” with no real care about anything except the attacks on “Capitalism”

That has been tried before Lad !

Look up “Russia - Communism” on your keyboard !

Religion AGAIN ! :slight_smile:

Now if you REALLY want to “Ban Something…” :sunglasses:

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Now that’s below the belt; I trade currencies with a view to make money by producing nothing for god’s sake.

I just don’t think you should not lurch from one extreme to the other. Capitalism is the best system we have today for the productive efficient use and distribution of limited resources, but Adam Smith advocated Capitalism as a tool to benefit wider society from individuals motivated by self interest. so I contend that regulation is always needed to make sure that the mutual beneficial relationship is maintained.

Case in point. financial services are an essential part of modern society. Unregulated financial services usually means greedy actors enriching themselves for the benefit of nobody but themselves without regard for the consequences; depression. credit crisis etc…not good.

Analogy; I do like cars and particular sporty ones for their speed and agility. But although I like to drive fast in fast cars it would also be nice to have working breaks in said cars.

It is a different flavour of ice cream. The main point is exploitation and the institutionalised oppression of a different group only in this case the dividing factor is religion rather than race.

What a lovely simplistic world you seem to live in - :relaxed: