Disbellj's system that everyone needs to know about

Disbellj’s system that everyone needs to know about can be found

Don seems to be a little shy about having his very own thread.

Great idea PipGobbler. Now Don has a place of his own. He doesn’t have to clog up the other thread.

Yes, and possibly there might be some trading discussion as to how and why an entry was made, what decisions were made to stay in the trade of get out. Could be a great way way for newbies to learn something instead of looking at charts posted without a word. I’m looking forward to the new thread. Since TRO can’t post anymore, maybe there’ll be some people on this new thread who are willing to explain the system. I think it will be a breat of fresh air. I think a new thread is overdue since the originator is unable to be here. A fantastic idea.