Mike…err…Talon - I’m with you there man. Although I tend to be very intense and even emotionally expressive, it’s all a facade to cloak the truth. I’m really just a cold, hard logician. I found the way david phrased his question as difficult to understand exactly how to respond…so i’m gonna ask for clarification:
David, are you inquiring as to how we (traders) deal psychologically with the concepts encapsulated by the words/phrases in blue? or are you asking how we think about them in terms of agree or disagree…? Or are you intentionally leaving this open to interpretation?
But, to respond to your statement, I will respond as I see fit for now:
“predict” - prediction regarding the markets does not need perfection, or anything close. It simply needs to provide a set of rules to act as “controlled variables”, and the result of following those rules provides a positive expected return over a large enough sample size to be statistically valid. In other words… if i have 60% profitable trades, and my average winner is $200, and I have 40% unprofitable trades, that cost me on average $100 each… I can “predict” the market well enough to make a great income.
“System” - I personally don’t have one… I have a method. Some limited aspects of it are difficult to quantify…tho I speculate I could achieve some limited success in trading by quantifying every component of my method… of course, then i’d just have a computer trade for me. System = absolute rules. method = guidelines or principles with some measure of subjectivity.
“Mystery” - the paradigm from which I view the market not only makes this idea completely irrelevent (there is no mystery to my why price moves, in what magnitude, and where it turns from) and although I admit I only can find a relatively few instances per day where I feel I can predict a future price change accurately enough to bet my money on it, there is no mystery at all as to why price moved…ever. Furthermore, there is little mystery to me as to where price will move to, and even how quickly it will get there, and sometimes even how far it will retrace back when it does so. Yes, I make a good income trading.
“we don’t know why patterns change randomly” - we do know why price changes…and there’s not much random about it. Exactly to what degree, and more specifically, when… now this IS sometime impossible to predict…but even then… it is predictable enough, precisely enough, often enough, to make great money with a very high success rate (say, 70% accuracy with an average trade result of profitable trades make double what unprofitable trades lose)
Now excuse me david while I hijack your thread If you would prefer I carry on future dialoge regarding the post that 4X made somewhere else, please do so, and I will respect that request.
4X… I’m curious about this proprietary S&R concept… obviously, your not gonna share the whole enchilada, but if you could give a very generalized idea of what you are using to determine S/R such as: Harmonic wave concepts, or possibly the rate of change of price over a set time period? I get a funny feeling that anything proprietary in S/R concepts would likely include a measurement of time in some way, as classical S/R concepts do very little to incorporate time in determining strong S/R levels. I know of a guy who tracks large barrier option positions and uses these to determine likely turning points in the market as expiration day rolls around… If you don’t want to give more info, can u post up your blog URL? And weather patterns too? I must admit, the factors behind the motion of markets is completely independent of the factors behind weather change…
Don’t take this the wrong way, but I would almost be willing to bet that your sample size for testing either weather or S/R is either too small or too generalized to be of much real use in either. Per your own confession to an “infatuation with math”, I am very skeptical that any tool that could be robust enough AND precise enough to determine specific future price changes AND future weather changes in any “useful manner”, as in…
"when price reaches this point, there is a 65%+ probability that it will turn the opposite way for 40 pips, and a 35% probability that it will exceed this point by 20 pips before turning down 40 pips)
AND…being able to use the same system to determine:
“On the coming September 13th - 17th of 2011, I will carry my umbrella with me each day, because I know there is a 50% or greater probability that it will rain each day, and a 75% probability that at least ONE of those days will receive enough rain that people will want an umbrella when they go outside” (3 drops of rain at 2:00 am doesn’t count as “useful manner”
Hell…develop a way to predict even ONE of those two examples with any certainty…and you will live a very comfortable life (either as a trader, or as a metorologist)
But a single system that is specific and precise enough to be useful in application for both…? You can understand my skepticism here I hope. If you could provide any insight as to how exactly you’ve tested your hypothesis, I would actually love to be proven wrong here… so feel free to do so! I want to be impressed… please oblige if your don’t mind.