Do you believe in automated Forex trading?

My trading is totally mechanical, yet it is not automated. If it was correctly automated then it would perform in the exact same way. So, yes, automation can work, it just cant always be creative.

I dont auto trade but if I had the programming skills to write some programs I would in a heart beat. You will never see me buy a program. I would have to know how to tweak it myself. Having that in mind I might start to look up writing programs. Sounds like fun

Answers in bold.

Link, name of programme or shall we assume it was "The “Archers” or “Womens Hour”

Energy spent writing silly posts should be spent researching online:

Then whats the point of a forum anyway if everyone should research everything before asking. I do believe in what you and many many others say there. Sometime though it takes the question to know what to truly research. I can research stuff for days on end and find only a bunch of crap. But one answer will spark that idea that he might be looking for to research. Some people are like me I am bad with words. So sometimes a question might be deeper than it came out but one answer might brush the surface of my question and now I have a direction to look instead of read endless crap I either dont care about or already knew. Just food for thought since this is newbie island after all.

Well trading is a game of good strategy. If the strategy is good it will work in any kind of trading mode, be it automatic or manual. The fib lines are nothing but a reflection of what is exactly happening in the market.
But still if you compare automatic vs manual, there is no definite answer as to which is better. It all depends on the market conditions prevailing at that particular time. Suppose you are shorting a position while trading manually but if you buy back based on your emotion that the market will not decline further from there and then if it declines further, you would loose the opportunity to earn more. So automation wins here. But if the trade goes drastically up after you have bought back then manual trading is a winner. So its all a game of probability. A good strategy has to make you earn big and loose small though.

I don’t use automated trading system but it is not because I don’t trust them.

It’s because I follow my shifu’s trading style, which is ‘fundamentally driven, technically executed’. That means I prefer to have an overview of fundamental events and news that might affect the market before I make my trading decision.

So it is up to anyone to use or not use them.