Do you have different strategies for different market conditions?

Yes I found it.
The one strategy I followed for 5 years and worked very well.
Sticking to one strategy is the key to success.
Now I have found the fact that there are many strategies that can be followed unconditionally and all the time.
The major problem is the man… sticking to a plan for a long period time is not an easy task to a normal person.
So the most important tool for forex success is not a trading strategy.
It is mind .


This is quite interesting.
My mentor says something similar. He says that virtually all strategies (well tested ones, of course) do work in the long run. The fact is: can you be consistent and follow your rules even when you’re on a long losing streak and/or you’re in a drawdown?

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Thanks for sharing your mentors insight.
Frankly speaking, I have no mentor, but did trading for 5 years.
What I wrote here is what I got to know along the journey.
We should believe and keep proceed.
It is the only way.

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Definitely all about perspectives and preferences. :sweat_smile:

Happy for you! :blush: I’m sure it also wasn’t an easy task to really find the strategy that works (and continues to work) for you! :blush: If you don’t mind, how long did it take you to finally end up with this strategy? :open_mouth:

Hmmm. :thinking: Just got curious about this. :open_mouth: But do you tweak your strategy every now and then to adapt to the changing times or really stick to the very original system?

What is meant by “different market conditions”?

Hmm. :thinking: I feel like when I asked this question, it was mostly just between ranging and trending markets. :open_mouth: But now that I think about it, this can also refer to when economies are in decline or there’s political unrest (much like what’s happening right now) vs. for when economies are generally thriving. :open_mouth:

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That’s OK, I just was a little worried in case you were keying off things I could not even see.

Sorry about that! :open_mouth: