Do you know a good blogs to literally follow? Forex practical insight - October +533, November +1493, December +1132 so far

I am following a guy like that ,I also read here and there on ,but it looks inactive.

Anybody knows a blogger that posts his open positions ASAP ??

Check my twitter trade journal thread or search for Heliocon twitter and find it that way - I post my trades live.

Do you want to be a follower or a leader?

I want to get money. By following people who are years ahead of me in knowledge. To fix ur car ,do u buy car mechanics books or go to a mechanic? Let everyone do his job.

Ya that’s good. You are a clear guy. Not a lot of talk and philo.

You just want to make money.

But I think you need to make some search and build a certain litle experience, not in forex, but in recognize liar over the internet.

Do you really think that a successful trader will spend his precious time to share in a blog for free ???

I am following a guy who post free signals with high winning % ,he rents ads on his page. I also follow a guy on skype. Believe it or not ,some people still likes fame and attention.

I like clives idea

When you go to the car mechanic you don’t expect him work for free. traders spent more time and money to get education than car mechanic. So why would you expect day trader to work for free? If you use someone’s expertise, isn’t it only fair to pay for that?

There are people who have free trading journals. There is a website called meetpips full of free blogs. You just have to search.

i suggest that if you want to get capital to trade you can follow

I support your statement. I think the real successful person will only share their precious time with his/her teamwork, closed friend, and of course not forgetting to invest others kind of assets. Normally they won’t “talk” to the world that they make a lot of money, normally they hide so that no one will notice.

A blog simply for you to realize there is a lot of info and researches outthere. You have to solve the puzzle on your own. Each person trades differently. Finding your own is much better.

Thats so true! But I found some guys who like attention and fame. They are the most geniuses but they are good. Now I am trying to find good people rent trade copiers. What I do can work 100 % if u r a full time trader.

I have personally written 12tips, 10 reasons why we lose so much in practical, 17 reasons why we lose so much in theory, to represent 90% trap that most of traders are trapped. It’s not the indicators that fails you, it is the people that do not understand the “what are the problems” faced by themselves.

One of them is “Fear of Losing”. If you are going to a war by having this feeling, would you have confident to win? The enemy is at the front, are you afraid? So how do we have this confident?

The answer is experience. If you could write out all the problems, and with the solutions you provide, you could at least improve the winning rate. :slight_smile:

Jumping strategy to strategy is not a waste of time, only if you could differentiate the weakness rather than the advantages between the strategies.

Why do we bother about the advantages of the strategy that guarantee winning you a lot, leaving out the weaknesses of the strategy that will just kill you with just 1 bullet.

If not, everybody is a millionaire right now with the same strategy at hand, right?