Does anyone use these services?

Hello. I would like to know if anyone in here uses signal service’s. I was researching about them past few week’s and came across these two site’s. I would like to know if anyone uses their services or know about them. This is my first attempt to subscribe for any services. please advise me if it is really profitable or not. I could not trade myself so just wanted to follow who is already successful in trading.

Forex Traders | Forex Room | Forex Trading Room

Forex signal - online proven forex signal - forex alert

Thank you

My friend…i am here to give u advice…i have seen the performance of my friend…who uses the second one…that is bull ***********…

That is his experience…but one thing is…according to the performance…of their signals…if we fallow them we may succeed…

I don’t think it will be profitable in the long run. Learn to trade yourself, that will the best advise i can give you.

i agree. STAY fully AWAY from signal services. there is a very slim chance that one offers a genuine and profitable service.
i often ‘hear’ (via email/private message) and read about those who got screwed by these services.

if you want to trade and experience profits and losses, it is better and more enriching to experience them from your OWN mistakes AND successes than from the mistakes/successes of others. losses generated by others on YOUR money sucks much much more.
on the other hand, profits made by others on your money feels great; but profits made from your OWN trading efforts is simply… beyond words. :slight_smile:

Stay away from these signal services as these are just the simple algorithms written by the programmers to give the signal when certain indicators give the specific value compared to the price.Develop your own trading system,look out for the possible trade setups yourself,it may look impossible at the start but with the passage of time you’ll start feeling like a professional trader.
Well,Whom are you gonna blame after loosing all of your money? :slight_smile: