Does meditation help you trade?

Meditation calms you down and helps you focus. It will make you patient and cool. It helps with the rest of your life, too.

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Wow. :open_mouth: Tbh, I had to re-read this a few times to understand your journey so far. The whole thing is super interesting! :open_mouth: But you raised some concepts that really got my attention. :sweat_smile:

I feel like this is overwhelming, even for experienced traders. The flood of information must have been intense. :open_mouth: Before you started meditating, is this a norm for you? To be thinking about all of these things almost at the same time? :open_mouth:

I’m intrigued by this! :smiley: I would love to know if you ever get to experience this (not in a dangerous way though).

I’m super happy to hear though that meditation has helped you a lot on your trading. :blush:


I’m sorry to hear about your near death experience! I hope you’ve been doing great since. :pray: I hope I become more in tune with my spirit because of the first 2 reasons you mentioned. :sweat_smile:

I think it’s good you got to start young! If you don’t mind me asking, if you didn’t attend those classes, does this mean you taught yourself? :open_mouth:

Sorry for having lots of (possibly stupid) questions! :pray: But what does this mean? You should focus on an object without the intention of focusing on something?

Thanks for these tips TYG! :blush: I’ll give these a try as soon as I get my life sorted out a bit more. :sweat_smile:

Thanks lantern! :blush: Do you also meditate before you trade? :smiley:

Hi @ria_rose, I wish you will have good journey in meditation. :innocent:

When I was a kid, I lived in a small village. It was very hard to find a mentor. My best guide was meditation’s book from a monastery. The book then guided me the basic principle of meditation. The basic is pretty much simple, it’s about attention to your breathing. I had simple mind, I just followed the instructions.

Later on, because of the flooded sensation of peacefulness and some "vision"s during meditation, then I went to a monk for further assistance.

Nothing is stupid, I am glad you ask :pray: :innocent:.
When we have ability to observe our mind, we will realize that our mind has layers, deeper the layer, it’s hard to control. The deeper one can’t be touch by using our “will”. Example when you sleep, you have a dream. You can’t control your dream.

Doing meditation is actually you dig into your mind. Deeper you get into, you will get a lot of knowledge and insight. This is the reason you wont need guide when you already know how to meditate.

To get deeper into your mind, you need concentration. Concentration have to be pure without distraction. It will lock with our meditation object, then our senses will complete ignored. It’s like day dreaming with consciousness.

In the beginning to have concentration you need intention. A long the time your concentration is growing, all aspects of mind will faded away.
When you have no concentration skill, our mind will get distracted very easy. Probably in within 1-5 minutes, we will think many things. A beginner will usually make an intention to redirect their mind to their meditation object, them make intention to concentrate into the object.

During this time, a lot of thing come out from your mind, thing your like and dislike. Your job is only focus on your meditation object (for exp: breathing), ignores all of those. Some will distract us, drive us away unknowingly. At this time we fail, or concentration no longer with us. But it’s normal, when we realize it, just start again from making intention to concentrate to our object. :grin:

You repeat the process, until suddenly nothing come up in your mind, this is the sign of your concentration skill has matured and you can start your meditation journey.

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Super thank you for this very detailed and helpful reply! :blush: I have a loooong way to go in my meditation journey (and to be honest, I’m not sure if I’m making any progress at the moment :sweat_smile:) But super thank you for your guidance. And Mondeo’s too! :blush: I hope it’s okay that if I ever have questions about this again, I’d reach out here again. :smiley:

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Unfortunately, yes it is. Sometimes it is great but at other times, I wish I could switch off. My forte in project management is complex integrated systems and cross-dependencies on other projects, other programmes within the same organisation, and sometimes engaging broader stakeholders in the same group (more often government organistations) to check broader dependencies. That has taught me to think three times before I conclude who all the stakeholders are. Same with my investment portfolio. And it often slows down my decisions (a lot).

We moved home 10 days ago, and that was a saga, although we are about 75% unpacked and have most rooms almost liveable. Yesterday I had an opportunity to practice my new idea. I have a spiritual friend who is visiting Glastonbury (UK site on Stonehenge - where Druids went to conduct rituals before Christianity, and still do. She mentioned to me about the full blue moon of last night, and that the sun and planet Earth were emitting huge energy bursts that would likely affect human activity. In particular, discoveries of corrupt practices amongst the rich. About the same time, my business partner in Albania sent me a WhatsApp message saying that one of our crypto holdings (Uranus) was going wild, should we sell half? Should we invest in more XTP or HEX? I was not particularly focussed so asked him not to make any decisions on 19th and I would look further into it. By midnight on 19th I put two and two together and sent him a response saying "if Uranus goes into the banana zone, sell half our holding, otherwise, hang on. And don’t buy anything else immediately. Hold the USDT. As it happened, alts did not go into the banana zone, so it was a non-trade. But it was good to find an opportunity. Now most people, including me (LOL) would think I had lost my mind making a consciousness event a reason for a business decision. But once I set my mind to this, I will find opportunities. I don’t care if it has an impact or not. I saw an opportunity for a 10X and took the decision.

Edit. We have been in and out of ANUS twice by now, with our total invested cash being $210 in total. we will continue to either sell half on doubling, or buy again on halving (with caveats), and we have 30 token types in this part of the portfolio. Just in case. Better odds than the national lottery, and looking only for ONE of them to do a 1,000X. That would be life-changing.

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[quote=“ria_rose, post:22, topic:1252360”]
I’m intrigued by this! :smiley: I would love to know if you ever get to experience this (not in a dangerous way though).

I will post any breakthrough I experience. Early days, I am not expecting anything dramatic.

I’m super happy to hear though that meditation has helped you a lot on your trading.

Thankyou. The move to a much quieter cul de sac has also helped. We are all more relaxed in our new home, and can’t believe how quiet the neighbourhood is, day and night. :pray: :smile:

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Yes, his experience is very interesting, i love it !

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Oh, actually That’s a great start😊 Even a few minutes before sleep can help calm your mind and prepare you for the next trading day

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That makes sense. :open_mouth: I can only imagine how much discipline and organization it took to be able to handle the influx of thoughts. :open_mouth: If it were me, I might literally just shutdown. :sweat_smile: Thank you for sharing somehow an overview of your thought process! :blush:

Congratulations! :blush: I remember you mentioning that you’ll be moving to a simpler space, so how do you like it so far?

I get it. :stuck_out_tongue: HAHA but I mean, if it works, then I’m all for it! It’s interesting though that your partner didn’t question your directions on what to do with your Uranus. Haha. Did he know the reasoning behind your directions? :sweat_smile: Definitely hope you do find more opportunities like this Mondeo! :blush:

I just asked about your new place in my previous response. Sorry I wasn’t able to read this before posting it! :open_mouth: But it’s great to know that you seem to be loving it. :smiley:

It is! :blush: And I’m happy he’s sharing them with us. :smiley: Have you had similar ones?

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I haven’t been getting lots of sleep lately so I guess my progress has been pushed back a bit. :cold_sweat:

I am very relaxed, and getting a lot more meditation done than at our other home. We have a small garden, but we get sun from the east at around 08:30 on the west side of our garden, and it shines all day until about 6pm setting on the west side. Our yard faces North, but gets most of the sun for most of the day. This morning, about 08:00, I did some grounding on our small lawn now that it actually looks like a lawn and not a wild meadow. I managed about 30 minutes of meditation in which I saw all the colours through my closed eyelids, probably the most vivid I have experienced in nearly two years of meditation. I was able to relax my muscles right up to my throat chakra. It felt wonderful. I then proceeded to do 3 hours of solid paperwork until a guy arrived to quote for a wet room conversion of the bathroom. Just gathering prices right now. We have a list of works to do, but not many are top priority.

It’s interesting though that your partner didn’t question your directions on what to do with your Uranus. Haha. Did he know the reasoning behind your directions?

Yes, he knows I meditate and he does too. He has a spaceman in his living room, that shines laser green on the ceiling and a rotating galaxy of colours. My son bought me one for my bedroom after he returned from a week over there. We have three portfolios each very small, and we experiment with different short term and long term strategies between the three. This particular one is our “meme coin scalping” portfolio, where we exercise the least caution and acknowledge we can lose it all.

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I started meditating about 12 years ago, I don’t do it as often now as I did in the beginning. It’s been a huge benefit to my life and spiritual being.

Unfortunately in my experience, meditating didn’t compensate for a faulty trading mentality.

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No worries, it happens… Just try to get some rest when you can. Your progress will bounce back. Take care of yourself first! :blush:

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That sounds super lovely, Mondeo! :blush: Reading your reply almost felt like a personal diary entry that I shouldn’t be reading, but I appreciate that you’re sharing this with me. :blush: And it’s great that you had a productive day! :smiley: We get to much sun here so we try to avoid it at all cost, but I know it’s different in other parts of the world. :blush:

That makes sense. :smiley: It’s more of the experimental account compared to the others.

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Oooh. :open_mouth: 12 years is no joke. :sweat_smile: If you don’t mind, how do you make sure you’re consistent though throughout those years?

Definitely! :open_mouth: I think, if anything, meditation lets a trader take a step back and reflect on their approach to trading. :sweat_smile:

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Thank youuuuu! :blush: Good luck on your trades too. :blush:

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