Does meditation help you trade?

Meditation helps you deal with the stresses of life, It keeps me calm, centered, and grounded In a stressed-out world, including trading :+1:

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Interesting to find out you also meditate, Paul! :blush:

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lol, all good :+1:, I have stated I try to find time to meditate 6 times a day for at least 20 minutes. I do at least 3 a day. It does help a lot.

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Thanks for sharing Paul! :blush: I’m also trying to explore meditation for myself. And as an overthinker, it’s been a challenge. HAHA

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it’s a big challenge if you have a racing mind as I do, keep going, and hopefully it works out for you. :+1:

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Thank you so much Paul! :blush: I super appreciate the encouragement! :smiley:

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Trust me, my 12 years isnt anything to be impressed by. I mostly meditate as a form of relaxation, mental reset and when I have questions that I can’t find answers to.

I was more consistent in the beginning, Unfortunately I’m very inconsistent these days. :confused:

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This update is primarily for Ria Rose, but also for any others interested in consciousness. So much has happened in the last month but I will try to summarise.

First about the astrological input from my friend Julie. After leaving my trading partner with some (semi-ambiguous) instructions about Uranus, we spoke briefly today. He did partially trade out of the currency, and then back in again at a lower price (nice one). This is now by far the biggest contributor out of 30 shootcoin types in hand. Moreover, even though I cannot “see” any correlation between the astrological events revealed by Julie and the value of the crypto token, the fact that we decided to take some positive action of an “if this, then that”, if not this, then not that", means we are ahead further than had we taken no action at all. Any “reason” for a trade is valid, even if at the time we do not see a cross-correlation. Blind faith. That is my excuse anyway and I am sticking to it.

Second. Me time. Last week I shared an AirBNB in North Wales with my sister from Australia, my brother and three others. My sister’s work colleague and friend of 20 years, and my brother’s son and daughter. Besides being a wonderful experience, not to mention the near perfect weather for 5 days on a row, but with a group of peculiarly like-minded souls (never been closer to my family than this in nearly 40 years), it was also an opportunity to meditate (a lot), walk (a lot) and just relax (a lot). In summary, I am really living the changes I promised myself I would make to my lifestyle. On the subject of cross-dependency of the three “pillars” on which I intend to develop my phase 2 Well Being Plan, I have somewhat closed out the depth of research on “intermittent fasting”, now that it is an established practice that achieved its intended outcomes. Moving forward on that one item out of ten, I now intend to maintain the walking (on target for 2km / day for the rest of 2024), and add to it some yogic chair exercises for over 60s. My blood pressure seems to have dropped significantly during the last two weeks, which may be due to an increase in one prescription medicine from 4mg to 6mg last month.

Third- Logical change of priorities based on changed outcomes. Still related to heart condition, I attended a pre-scheduled hospital appointment for a revisit of the subject of sleep apnoea identified two years ago. I had intended to tell my consultant that arrhythmia is still a problem albeit less frequent than in the last two years, but I now feel it is more under control and I think I should be taken off the apnoea list (even though my brother reminded me I snore and sometimes stop breathing as he observed on holiday). She had other ideas, and explained the risk of not following through with machine-aided sleep (CPAP machine). Now that I have come to terms with this news that I did not expect, my sleep quality priority has now moved to the top of the list of the other nine health issues I have undertaken to do something about positively since starting my Well Being project, and to make a point about my previous reference to cross-dependencies in planning, it is no good if I achieve my blood readings all in range, my weight in the middle of the “normal” range for my body type and my breathing quality is as if I never smoked for 45 years if my heart stops when I am sleeping and just happens not to restart. This has been on my mind a lot in the last few weeks (keeps blocking progress of my meditation), and the consultant meeting today was timely for a lot of reasons - most notably my acceptance of the consultant’s recommendation contrary to my intended conversation around stopping sleep apnoea meetings consistent with my more usual response of confirmation bias. I am learning ever so slowly that it is OK to admit being wrong once or twice. What a great opportunity for a change in priorities!

Fourth - Get to the point. Given there are more cross-dependencies than subject matter types in scope of Trading Plan Phase 2 Delivery model, and given that the way forward for Delivery is more complex than I had planned in Phase 1, the Trading Plan is going to take lower priority than the Well Being Plan. No point in planning to have sufficient funds to take me to the actuarial 80% probable age of dying at 91 years old if I neglect to pursue those actions required to achieve that objective age. A long winded way of saying I intend to spend even more time planning and changing my lifestyle than I had planned nearly two years ago. Watch this space.

By practicing mindfulness, I’m better able to manage emotions like fear or greed, which can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decisions. Meditation also helps me improve my concentration, allowing me to stay patient and stick to my trading plan without getting distracted by short-term market movements. It’s a great way to clear my mind and approach trading with a balanced, steady mindset.

Definitely! Meditation can help big time with trading. It clears your mind, keeps you calm, and helps you focus, which is super important when the markets get crazy. It can also help with managing emotions like fear or greed. Staying cool and making decisions with a clear head can make all the difference. So yeah, meditation might not give you better charts, but it can help you stay sharp and make better trades!