Edgar International

Legion Trade Limited
Company number: 1907546
Incorporation Date: 15 Feb 2007
Company Status: Registered
Entity type: NZ Limited Company
Constitution filed:Yes
AR filing month: June , last filed on 03 Jun 2010
Company Addresses: Registered Office
Bdo Auckland, Level 2, 116 Harris Road, East Tamaki, Auckland , New Zealand
Address for service
Bdo Auckland, Level 2, 116 Harris Road, East Tamaki, Auckland , New Zealand
View all addresses

Directors Showing 1 of 1 directors
Abdul Mutalib Abdul RAHMAN
House No. 66, Austral 11, Austral Park, Kepayan Ridge, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

please note that edgar international has change to Legion Trade Limited and their website has been improved from .org to .com

Welcome to Legion Trade Limited

Do anyone intend to report edgar to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Fraud Awareness & Prevention - CFTC) base on their website for Fraud Awareness & Prevention??

[B]Watch Out For These Warning Signs of Fraud[/B]

* Get-rich-quick schemes that sound too good to be true. Thereā€™s never a free lunch. Be very careful if you recently retired or came into money and youā€™re looking for a safe investment. You could be a very attractive target for a crook. Once your money is gone, it can be impossible to get it back.

* Predictions or guarantees of large profits. Always get as much information as you can about a firm or individualā€™s track record and verify that informationā€”even if you know the people involved or they are recommended by friends or relatives. If you canā€™t get solid information about your investment and the company, donā€™t invest. Before you invest, always check it out with someone whose financial advice you can trust.

* Promises of little or no financial risk. Be suspicious if the firm or individual says there is little risk. Be suspicious if someone tells you that a written risk disclosure statement is only a routine formality. Written risk disclosure statements are important to read thoroughly and understand.

* Claims of trading in the ā€œInterbank Market.ā€ If a firm claims that they will trade foreign currency for you in the interbank market, or that you should trade in the interbank market, be cautious. The term ā€œinterbank marketā€ refers to a loose network of currency transactions negotiated between financial institutions, usually banks and investment banks, and other large companies.

* Unsolicited telephone calls about investing. Be skeptical if someone you donā€™t know calls you about investment opportunities.

* Someone asking you to send cash immediately. Be very cautious if someone tries to convince you to send cash or transfer money to them immediately by overnight express, the Internet, mail, or any other method.

Being involved in ā€œspot forexā€ is really a quick and easy way to pick money, ie those $$$.

Here is a simple tip;

  • get a demo mt4 to begin with
  • install fx multi-meter II and
  • install breakout-panca-eagle

fx multi-meter II is just for fancy and for monitoring events;

use the breakout-pance to indicate when to go short or long, to trade just place pending order just above or below the green box, ie when price exit (breakout) of/the green box;

  • buy (go long) when price is going upwards
  • sell (go short) when price going down

jpy t/p 15 pips max
eur t/p 30 pips max

  • if you wish to take more, just place the pending order and wait



Forgot to mention about the STRESS thing as Titled.

The only problem though is trading yourself, you canā€™t imagine the trouble and stress that comes with it.

Despite all the criticism, I still decided to trade with this team. So far all posts and rumors lead to nothing. infact, Edgar is still making money for everyone trading with them. I was told that people who made all the rumors are actually blacklisted by edgarā€¦ I donā€™t know wether this is true. however, so far so good. I will continue to invest hereā€¦ if earn profit then good. if not, what to doā€¦ thats the risk in trading what. whether you trade yourself or other trade for you still the same risk. the difference is that they know what they are doing while i know a little bit only.

Hi All,

Base on my information, the name of the super trader is Andy. His company call Eastern Rich Enterprise locate at Karamunsing Capital (Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu). Anybody interested can pay a visit to him.

The actual operation of a Ponzi Scam is B money pay to A, C money pay to Bā€¦And the last group of peoples will die.

It is not fair to say Edgar is a scam or ponzi game without any evidence. But I have good suggestion and opinion for you all to test weather Edgar is ponzi or not.

Why you want to test?
For current investor: You want to make sure you not invest in a ponzi scheme. And you want to make sure your investment is stable and long term. Not like other people said, is a scam and one day will stop. Like the music chair game.
For Agent: You dint want your client invest in a ponzi scheme, because if your company run away. You are the one to catch by police. And you also want a long term business.
For potential investor: You want to get a clear picture before you put your money in. You dont want to be the last group of the peoples.
For Edgar: You want to make your business running well and without doubtful anymore. So nothing to worry if your company not a ponzi scam. And donā€™t blocking people test your company. Just to prove that you are right to everybody.

Just test it and make everybody satisfy.

How to test, very easy. For example: if total fund (Profit + Initial Deposit) of all investor inside the pool is 2 Billion. Then I suggested all current investor take out all your fund (Profit + Initial Deposit) and convince other peoples to do that also. And Agent also convince your client to do. If the maximum withdraw amount is 2 Billion (Example), then Edgar should have enough fund to pay out. Not like bank, the deposit money already loan out. If everybody withdraw, then bank will not have enough fund to pay out. But Edgar is different, because they said they are real investing company, they earn from commission (Fee base). If they not enough money to pay or keep on giving excuse. Then everybody should careful, because maybe total fund inside the pool only 5 million (example). And the money already giving to others (maybe edgar representative, initial investor and agent). Then everybody can conclude edgar is a ponzi.

If you try to withdraw your money, and Edgar try to delay it. And give reason such as they withdrawing limit already reach. Please donā€™t believe it. Because base on my understanding. Bank like HSBC giving maximum 5 million transfer limit per day and you can increase it if you want. Since they have few companies (more than 10), then transfer limit should not be a problem anymore. Or they say we cant pay, because we already investing the fund to forex, donā€™t believe it also. Because the super trader (Andy) do day trading. One day can know the result.

If Edgar manage to pay out the fund, that mean those peoples complaint edgar is ponzi or scam should keep quite. And those current investor, Potential investor and Agent can continue your work. And I suggest you to work hard, because it is really a good opportunity for you all. And i hope you all can success.

Soā€¦ Start to convince your client, your friend to withdraw as soon as possible. If someone didnā€™t read our blog will not know, everybody start it by now. Influence others, convince others. Donā€™t be the last one of the music chair. Very soon we can find out the real story behind Edgar. Good lucks!!

anyone got problem with withdrawal now? any feedback ???

So far from what I have heard there are no withdrawal problems, but it takes longer. :slight_smile:

Very good points pay and pay. I am glad you put this up for noobs.

A few more things people should consider in terms of fraud.

  1. Are they registered with government/regulatory bodies in the industry?
  2. Are they incorporated, is it possible to get information about their corporate/accounting/audit information?
  3. Do they have a phone number you can call? Most proper forex brokers offer 24/5 phone-support and they should.
  4. Do they clearly list an address.
  5. Does their website look professional or amateurish? this one can be hard because good scammers may invest time in building beautiful websites too.
  6. What do other people say about the broker? Do they have a forum? Does anybody talk about them on other forums, do the.y have any form of popularity at all or are they completely obscure?
  7. What is their overall transaction and trading volume? How big is this broker really? Do they have the funds, expertise/management and ability to survive as a business for the long-term? Afterall, you could have a good broker that has good policies yet may still go bust if their business-profit model is flawed, last thing you want is to be profiting and the business goes BANKRUPT.

My biggest fear in forex is my broker suddenly disappearing or filing for bankruptcy with virtually zero notice. Although a broker could be playing fairly and by the rules all the time, this doesnā€™t prevent them from having their own internal problems that cause their demise.

You, dear Sir, is one of those that are said to be born every minute.

Or, youā€™re related to these obvious scammers, seeing how you just registered and decided to make this your first post.

I donā€™t understand what youā€™re still discussing here - thereā€™s SCAM written in flashing red capital letters all over this Edgar thing.

Really, are you all completely blind and half-witted?

well, you got prove?! all those pieces written are very nice to read. of cource they meant no harm infact they are concern. half-witted you say? well you are entitiled to your own opinion. i like the idea taking risk better. I am one of those born every minute. well of course Iā€™m! arenā€™t you too. or maybe youā€™re not born the normal way. or maybe your are extra terresterialā€¦ :Dā€¦ iā€™ve mention before, I just want to earn money. donā€™t care wether it is doubtful or not. If I lose money, are you the one going to be sad?.. awrā€¦ so nice of youā€¦

Proof? Iā€™ll leave it to Bank Negara or the Securities Commission to find it out themselves.

But hereā€™s [B]10 reasons[/B] why Edgar genuineness as a FOREX broker should be doubted and why so many believe it is a SCAM.

[B]1) Not licensed, registered nor recognized by any financial or regulatory bodies.[/B]

[B]2) No physical office.[/B] Rented a virtual office instead. Therefore how many staff are there actually to handle the money or the existence of their IT system or trading desk and their professionalism are questionable.

[B]3) Company changed the bank account details several times [/B]and even advised clients to bank in to 3rd parties bank account. This is illegal and Bank Negara deemed this as money laundering.

[B]4) Not so international.[/B] Company claimed to be a worldwide financial service company. Unfortunately nobody in NZ has ever heard of it. It claimed to be targeting Asia Regions, in fact it is only targeting Malaysia because they never provide swift code and bank address for other Asia region customers to bank in. They have opened 4 bank accounts in Malaysia under Zook Vision and TSL and LHK Marketing to collect payment from customers. This is illegal way of collecting payments. Any bank staff can check who are the directors of these companies?

[B]5) Malaysian as a director.[/B] In the latest deposit advice, they have appointed Legion Trade Limited (NZ) to collect payment on their behalf. Coincidentally, the director of the company is Encik Abdul Mutalib, a Malaysian from Kota Kinabalu, where most of Edgarā€™s clients are based in.

[B]6) Unknown fund manager.[/B] Some claimed he is Andy, a Sabahan, trading in Sabah. If Andy is the fund manager, what is he doing in Sabah? Shouldnā€™t the dealing desk and his research team based in NZ? Do you not think such a successful fund manager, his name wouldnā€™t have been mentioned or identified by Bloomberg?

[B]7) Online trading not allowed to log-in on certain hours.[/B] Clients are told they can only use their online accounts in the morning as the fund manager needs to log in at night to ā€œtrade for themā€. Anyone can verify if they are really trading at night or they just log-in to manipulate the statement to show customers they are making money? If yes where does the money come from to payout as profit?

[B]8) Marketing required.[/B] Clients are told to promote to their friends and in return the fund manager will ā€œtrade more for themā€. Hereā€™s where the money come from to payout as profit. They take the fresh money from the new clients to pay the old clients, and then tell the new clients to promote to their friends so they can get more fresh money to pay them.

[B]9 & 10 are the good news[/B]

[B]9) 100% profit in 3 months. [/B]Everybody makes profit and the best thing is profit doubles every 3 months. Still remember SwissCash or GoldQuest? Google it if you donā€™t know. These 2 ā€œinvestmentsā€ also produced such result in the ā€œearly yearsā€ but is now disappeared with the money.

[B]10) Nobody has ever made losses with Edgar.[/B] The truth is, you will never have trading losses with Edgar coz Edgarā€™s statement will always show profit. The day will come when Edgar has made enough and decided to disappear with all the money. That day a lot of people will lose money and will be too late to make withdrawal.

[B]Do you still believe Edgar is really a Forex broker?[/B] Put the profit statement and the itrader platform aside. These 2 cannot justify that Edgar is a Forex broker because anyone can come out with these as long as you have the money to hire a computer programmer. Unless someone can prove Edgar is a legitimate Forex broker, otherwise I can say Edgar is merely a cheating pyramid scheme (skim cepat kaya).

One of the forumer said thereā€™s always a risk in trading or doing business. But in this case, your risk is not on trading losses because there will never be any trading losses. The money will keep growing in the account as long as the music keeps playing. Your risk is whether you are fast enough to withdraw the money before Edgar disappear. You are not trading FOREX, you are betting against Edgar. No harm betting against Edgar so long you can make money but donā€™t sacrifice your friends.

[B]So are you sure which risks you are taking?[/B]


Nail on the head right there.

Mostly itā€™s always the same people who are on defending Edgar. Newly registered and their English is ok but not their first language clearly. Most likely Maylasians associated with Edgar. Thing is clearly a scam. You donā€™t see the likes of regular brokers opening up shell companies in NZ or changing their bank account every couple of months. Sooner or later this Ponzi will be gone along with a bunch of money from people who really should have known better.

defending edgar? why? canā€™t they defend themselves? come to think of it, do they have to? anyone losing money? report to the authoritiesā€¦catch these crooks fastā€¦ Bank Negara people sleeping arā€¦ why no action?.. itā€™s been years since they began their operationsā€¦ a lot of money is involvedā€¦ by the way, whatā€™s up with the language critiqueā€¦ non-engllish speakers cannot use english?.. funnyā€¦

I havenā€™t even ever heard of these guys.

Nop! No problem here!

Made my withdrawal last friday, money deposited in my a/c tuesday.

Nop! No problem yet!

Dear Solai

  I made withdrawal since  1st week October, and already deducted from my Ledger A/C.

unfortunately till to date, havenā€™t received yet money into my Bank A/C. Also Same my friend withdrawal in October also, till to date, not yet received to Bank A/C.

Last time, just wait for 5 working days. money received into my bank account.

Now more than 6 weeks already. Any informations for delaying withdraw funds ?

Wish Edgar International will be successful forever
Thanks and Best Regards
Singapore Investor

due to the replacement of the TT, they need to check and it takes timeā€¦ last time those money being bounced back but the money already in the i-traderā€¦ all this money is paid by edgarā€¦ and some ppl didnt make replacement of tt then theygo to do withdrawalā€¦ so, edgar lose some money alreadyā€¦ so, they wanna check and confirmā€¦ withdrawal now september finish clearā€¦ they are clearing october withdrawalā€¦ give more time to urselfā€¦