I am really struggling here and was hoping a senior trader would be kind enough to impart some wisdom. I have read the Elliott Wave Principle by Frost and Prechter a few times now and it is all good in theory. When I look at a chart, like that of NVDA, I get lost so quick.
Where does one even start??? I can see some impulses, I think, but I can’t seem to get beyond that. I have been at this for a few months now and I am really no closer than when I started.
I am trying to look at the weekly chart for NVDA since 1997. I know it is ambitious but I want to be able to identify the key motive and corrective structures. If I can get the weekly done, then I can work on smaller time frames on my own. Any help would be greatly appreciated. In other words, if you pick a time frame and can give me something to check my labeling against, that would be so awesome
I don’t know where to start I have tried so many versions and they all look wrong. There are so many ways to look at things. Things that are corrective look like impulses and vice versa. I have read all the books and still can’t seem to navigate through the chart. I am really stressed out because I have spent days/hours trying to label stuff and it doesn’t make a cohesive picture. Can anybody start me off?
This is a beginner’s attempt to help as I’m going through the Elliott Wave Theory material as we speak. Unfortunately, I cannot post images yet but here is my take on this:
On your monthly chart, you should see:
Wave 1 around October 2007 with sharp abc correction
Wave 2 around December 2008
Wave 3 around June 2017
IMO, Wave 4 is now happening and we should see the abc correction until September 2017 (Speculative at $130?)
IMO, Wave 5 should start then.
Obviously, I’d love to have some senior expertise on my take to see if I’m getting it right or not.
There are about 10 years between wave 2 and 3. I’m not expert but I would not consider that as waves. Perhaps that indicates only changing of the trend?