EMA Rejection/Bounce strategy looking very positive with testing!. - Happy to share ideas or start a group with others

That’s all I want! See I’ve made a few mistakes actually and still finding a good way where price comes up from a downtrend say into a new uptrend and I buy the first rejection of an ema, you need to find a trend that’s probably already established, you might not get it all BUT we don’t need it all.

Every trade and I mean every example, and each and every example you manage to pick the opposite swing high/low as your exit point. This is an amazing skill to possess and how we lie to ourselves. The markets will never lie to you and they will destroy your balance if you lie to it.

Solid entry strategy you have chosen but. Stick with it. Learn it, live it, love it. Never every deviate from it. But it is just and entry strategy. You with need to have an identify and filter strategy to find the best applications (assets) in the current market to apply it. You with also need a management strategy to make the most of each trade.

What my simplistic friend is saying here is that this is a dumb exit strategy that will again destroy your account with a death of 1000 cuts. But simple preach simple!

Lots of work ahead for you my friend. Remember markets are dynamic and each and every trade is different and must be managed accordingly.

Hi, thank you for your very honest reply :slight_smile:

I would love to say I pick the highs and lows of every trade but that’s far from the truth, these are trades and potential moves using this, as stated in a reply above most of the time I just got a profit target of 2 risk - im always looking to learn and that’s why I’m trying to state my thoughts here and would love to know how you think I can tweek this for Improvements especially with the ‘dumb’ profit targets?

Without a doubt I need a strategy in itself to find the correct markets moving in the correct way for this strategy and that’s something I’m trying to find, websites or data that tells me when short trends are forming?!

You seem to be very critical which is absolutely fine that’s how I learn, but would love to hear how you think this could be improved or tweeked for the better.

Either way thanks for your reply :ok_hand:t2::muscle:t3:

Unfortunately not up to me cobber. The learning curve is yours. You’ll have different goals, different horizons, different vision to me. What makes this game different to for all of us.

As an entry strategy you have selected a pretty common one. However, as humans we like to think ourselves smarter than the thousands/millions before us and want to constantly tweak it to improve. Don’t. As you have described it is perfect.

But entry signals are the sexy bit and what they (marketers/teachers/charlatans) preach. Knowing when to exit is the skill we all need to master. Last swing high/low, channels, trendlines, ATR’s, MA crosses/slope, candlestick patterns, all valid methods. You’ll need to find what works for you. What won’t work is setting R:R targets. You’ll leave pips out on the table or let losing trades run out. It will slowly eat away at you balance.

It’s a long journey and generally one we must take for ourselves. It’s a journey into self discovery as much as a learning of the markets. And the one lesson about ourselves we don’t like to learn is that most of us a just plain greedy. Learn to control greed and you’re well on your way my friend.

Wishing you all the best cobber :fist: :facepunch: :banana: :monkey:

It’s such a shame a Forex guru like yourself couldn’t offer any real advice or changes but I appreciate your time

Thanks Cobber

Im no guru champ. Its hard work for me every day. My real job brings in the bacon.

Its also far easier and more rewarding. But i can do something many cant. Just got to do it my way as you do yours and survive. Its a nasty game.

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I would say pyramiding is a way to maximise your returns. It isn’t enough to be right with direction and get in and get out. When you win you want to win big.

A pyramiding technique I have used is to add a second trade when profit equals risk, add a third when profit equals 2 x risk and so on. Each time you add a new trade use the same SL distance back from entry and move the SL on the earlier trades to the same price. This was how I made the biggest win of my career. So far.

It has down-sides. You’re more likely to get a break-even outcome. You’re less likely to get small wins. But one thing is guaranteed, if you get out at a fixed TP in a running trend, it is 100% certain you will miss out on the big wins. I haven’t tried this on intra-day trades, I normally stick to the dailies.

Yeah that is interesting, its definitely worth looking at when i do some testing, I really appreciate you bringing it to my attention, I 100% agree that if I am using a system that gets me onto a trend I need to stay with the trend until it shows signs of changing and thats what I need to master.

What do you feel about moving my stop loss to say BE when im at risk 1/2 etc and more moving the loss up as I go?

I would of had some really good entries this morning as the USD is trending… obviously im not sure I would trade this week but just showing a few below using this method.

I definitely think this could work, I am going to do some testing soon and report back the findings.

Once again if anyone is truly interested in looking at this with me we can start a group to talk about it, Thanks

Its an OK method, lot of people use it. But it isn’t a great money-maker. A lot of techniques taught are actually sabotage and you can realise this when you consider the motivations behind these teachers, trainers and authors. They daren’t teach guaranteed get rich techniques because if you make it, what will you buy next from them? That’s it, nothing…

But if it works its a good system? any system if used correctly and have more wins is a money maker, im not here for a get rich scheme id prefer constructive changes than just saying its something everyone uses.

Happy for ppl to post ideas for help in this!??


Welcome to the wonderful world of babypips.

Chances are you won’t get anything useful here. Years ago you may have but not not. Its all
“Hi there, waz up dog. I’m meatgrinder and I’m gonna make a fortune”
“Welcome meatgrinder, you have come to the right place, unicorns are out the back and if you look over to your right you’ll see a rainbow”

The reality is none of us care and even fewer of us speculate.

Those of us that do, can only, by definition, offer generic advice. Why, because we each do, what we do, for ourselves. It is the way of the beast. What my goals are, how I extract pips, how I manage my bets and account are 100% reflective of me. The same will need to be for yourself. Your investment horizon is totally different to mine. Most want to make money. I just want to generate a return and get noticed.

Therefor by definition, it will almost be impossible to find someone-else wanting to develop an exact strategy to that of what you wish. Chances are its going to be a long slow journey of years of observation, planning, doing, checking and taking actions. Then you might break even.

You have chosen a solid entry strategy. One you should never ever deviate from. But there is so much more to it. Again wishing you the best of luck but added nothing useful.

I totally agree that is why I don’t take too much notice, I’m different to most and want to learn and do the research and actually backtest and study and read and read and read.

I know I’ll make things work because I know what I’m about, but im different in the sense I want others to achieve aswell and I’m honest about my learnings along the way.

I like a challenge and there is no bigger

Hi @Shaungliddon - I’ve been playing around with this system for about the last week. It doesn’t have a high win rate for me but I know I have not been as focused with entries as I’d have liked. But the average winner is much better than the av. loser, especially when using a trailing stop-loss.

Another possible tactic - maybe you’ve come across this situation? -
assuming e.g. both EUR/CHF and GBP/CHF are in consistent uptrends: however the GBP/CHF price is way above the 20EMA and though pulling back is failing to give an entry signal: given that EUR/GBP is highly negative, what about using the EUR/CHF long entry signal on GBP/CHF?

I believe you can get a high win rate with the correct entries and rules which I’m still working on.

I believe if say you’re in an uptrend if any pull back comes back passed the lower high then it’s invalid and could be a sign of a reversal?

Also the EMa must of had one touch first as there’s alot of moves passed the 200/50/20 and then back up so that proves it’s been used as support at least once

Also entries can only be say a pin bar, engulfing, strong rejection of EMA so it’s a little more patient. But I do agree the winners can be quite good and much more than losers.

That’s Interesting with the pairs and makes sense. Maybe you could do this with other pairs that align aswell,only problem being you might not be entering at the right times unless you wait for our entries again.

I did also think you can look for the weakest and strongest pairs and look to take advantage of these each week.

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