Emotional AID

Who is the best trader?

Well, that is very easy. The best trader is the one who can tolerate pain over and over and over; much more than other people and does not care to be called crazy. The best trader is the one who can handle contradictions.

Every trade is based on ideas that can be wrong in most cases. There is nothing wrong in having a system wich brings only a 15% of good results because you are expecting that 15% makes the difference; but it is really stupid to have 5 o 6 wins in a row and lose it on a single bad trade.


I really like this, as I am relatively new to trading this to me was the biggest thing that clicked in my head.
It’s completely fine to sit on the sidelines watching and waiting for the market to settle before starting to trade again.

Well, let’s recapitulate a little. Me and all traders in the world, we started into this crazy world called forex in search for money, and the result if it deserves to be called a result was a disaster.

After a while trying and trying, reading, learning, relearning, and so on. I’ve just realised that we only need to sit tight and follow our rules. There is no point being worried about one event turning the market in one direction while tomorrow a different one will turn it into the opposite direction. There is no point being worried for a single loss because tomorrow you can have another loss. So the best is to set your ideas and wait if the events runs into your favor, if not, good luck next time. Trading is based on ideas that in the most majority can be wrong and just on or two that are accurated just turn you breakeven. There is nothing wrong on losing, lose is more than hesitate. But something very stupid is to have 5 or 6 wins in a row and lose it in one single emotional rush.

My point here i feel much better studying, analisysn the markets, reading the news, following my rules, anotating my reflections and so on than making money because whe i look at the account balance i still remain green so what is the point being worried. I’ll be realy in troubles if there is no news to read, i’ll be in troubles if i find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember, here there are no light at the end of the tunnel, to compass to lead your way, no gold at the end of the rainbow, just a rainbow full of small pieces of gold hard to find. This is an airplane that never lands and you are the flight controler. Nobody tells you that you cannot sleep at night but if you sleep well every night there’s probably something wrong.


Tired of the same? Do you trade montly charts now because you are sick? Are you trying AUDNZD now because the other pairs are done for you? Well, try daytrading again.

Daytrading is the most difficult form of trading but not for the reasons you think. Any time frame can be traded, (except 1 min in MM). The problem you have is quite complex and you don’t know it. By the way position and swing trading are lazier forms but it has it cons too because it requires a different analisys.

Well the complex problem begins here: You have graduated from college or university and you are looking for a job now, after a while let’s say you found one, bad waged but it is a start, you feel so happy and you feel part of something. You start enjoying the dynamics, wake up, mark entry, do your task, mark exit, make some friends and so on. But reality bites. Normaly you start in a crapy company that treats people like crap. And your boss shows his real face now and you feel something less than an animal. You cannot perform your job as you are supposed to and more and more work is piled up and you cannot finish it and it all has to be to by tomorrow. Things gets worse, you are not getting paid, your salary comes very late and you need it to pay the rent, for food, etc, and you end up full of debts. Now your life sucks. Most people just resigns to live like this. This is my story, my official salary was 200 USD per month but they took long time for paying me. In my case i said f**** up, i quit, and i did. The story is realy long and painful and explaining all details could take me hours to explain. My point is this is you while trading, you found this crazy world and you thought it was the solution of all your troubles, you thought you’ve found gold but you only discovered s*****, why? Because you in the search of something better turned your wanted liberty into debauchery and for worse you became that crapy boss you hate and treat yourself like an animal.

So guess what, you body likes office dynamics. So here is my recomendation. For Daytrading first avoid to trade on aussie or Japan sessions, not much volatility but if you can deal with it just do it. Use a strategy that includes trailing stops. Pick a pair wich both countries you think you understand, just do a little wikipedia, know their history, economics, political systems and so on. Stablish a daily schedule and stick to it like you 9 to 5 job. I recommend you to use 1 hr tf so you only need to adjust trailings every hour o’clock and so you are not distracted from your actual job. Start as little as 0.01 mini lots and increase it 0.01 per week untill you are fully invested (with fully invested i mean risking 1%). Me for example i trade gbpjpy and i start on London session wich is 3 am here, i look where the trend goes and i just opend an order and i expect to remain like that the whole day and if i am lucky enough i close it 30 min before rollover. If my order is closed by TP i just don’t trade for the rest of the day, for daytrading i have a quote of 1 trade per day and that’s it. I have more loses than wins but i am still profitable. Just remember, give it an office dynamics to your trading, take loses as office costs, wages or something like that. And at the end of the day study all news regarding with both countries but don’t use it as trading desitions and avoid news like “GBP pulled back because of FTSE 100 performed poorly”. With that you are training your subconciense to relate one event to another because if you do it like if event A occurs, well it does not work like that, with your sub propperly traine you will learn to move with the market but if you try to figure it out reading news and matching one thing with another, well, you will end up in a nutthouse.

The position trading system i’ve mentioned before i am testing it on a different account in case somebody wanna know, it is not a good idea mix them all.


Thanks Mr Gone great advice again!!

I would like to hear about your position trading system but perhaps we shoukd talk about it in a new thread?

It is realy hard to explain eventhouht is the easiest way to trade and to be honest i feel realy lazy right now.

Part of your actual problem is you are still with the mindset of “when i get there”, there is no “there” here. But once you start seeing the fruits of your hard work you will start feeling better but wait a minute, here is where most traders ruin it. THey get too overconfident. But let’s say you got over that stage and the superiority the “i am invincible” is gotten over too, there is another unwanted secondary effect that most traders don’t talk about. This is what i call “overwhelmed by success”. Being a profitable trader can be scarry, just like an amateur soccer player who suddenly plays in a professional team and the country he is representing wins the world cup and he made the decisive goal by himself, he will remain years without beliving it. The same with profiting it is just a little scarry sometimes. I gues because it is so hard to get there and then we think “is that easy?” One start to think “i don’t deserve it” or it is just hard to belive. There is a lot said about taking loses but realy little of accepting success and that is why you must prepare yourself for that too, you have to belive in yourself and accept already success because if it takes you by surprise you might turn your success into frustration and the never ending circle of mistrading begins again.

In other words once you are profitable don’t ruin it.


Hi Mr Gone,

I still have an eye on this thread. Nice work you have done here so far. Keep it up.


Thanks. I’ll be out for a while but i’ll try to keep posting, really bussy trading.

Early this morning i’ve woke up late and missed my entry point and guess what it did what i have said i would do. That can be really demoralizing. If you find yourself in a situation like this please don’t trade, it’s too late and it will turn against you and it will become a double frustration for missing the entry point and for losing, dealing with just one is hard. Instead take it as an opportunity given by destiny to res a little, take it as an avoided loss, remeber that any trade is a potential loss. There always will be more opportunities.


How to Stay In the Zone | Forex Blog: Pipsychology

The Zone is a state of mind whe you just do what you have to do without fear. The link above is an explanation of how to remani in the zone. I strongly recommend you to read “Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas. You don’t deserve to call yourself a trader if you don’t read that book. Doglas makes a very deep explanation about how your troubles start. It is quite shocking for those who didn’t consedered the emotional part of trading.


Today i could not wake up, i did not hear the waking alarm and so i messed the opportunity to catch the trend. I was depressed but wait a minute, i’ve made a self analisys and made a comparison between now and then. Now i am following my rules and not pretending to or having rules just to say “Ok i will follow them tomorow”. What changed now? Now i don’t do impulsive trading. Years ago i enetered the market even if i’ve lost the opportunity. If i had a quote of maximun loses i didn’t respect it.

That makes me feel better, now i follow my rules and hence why fretting out?


Review first, what are the bigests secrets of trading?

-Cut your loses short.

-Let your profits run.

Both are achieved with risk and money management, discipline, holding a diary, capital preservation and so on but still is hard to be profitable. Why? Well I am suprised most succesful traders don’t talk about it. The ultimate secret is this:

[B]Trade Selectively[/B]

You were expecting sometging else? It is just that. But it is more complicated as it sounds. It takes years to learn. In other words it is about to analize the opportunities first and trade second. To trade only the highest probabilities. In other words you have to learn when not to trade. We spend a lot of time creating our systems, developing our strategies and the when we are going to trade but not when we are not going to trade. This last one unfortunately is more complex, I cannot simply write on a paper the rules of when not to trade. Besides the market you have to realize about your own perfomance, how much you are willing to lose, how much of earned you are willing to lose, and more stuff that I will never end explaining.

So that is the mising link in your trading and it will take the term.of.your natural life to enhance it.


Do you know it is posible to have all months in positive? Yes it is but not the way you think. Imagine you can achive a positive balance of 1 usd every month. After 12 months you would have 12 usd of pure gain. Well let’s say after that you decide to increase risk or increase your capital to keep the same risk level, well now let’s say you earn 2 usd every month, after another 12 months you will have 24 usd of gain.

What is the trick? Well, the first one is obviously to trade selectively and once you are positive don’t trade for the rest of the month. Yeah, that is what i do. It is a lazy trading but remember i am here to trade propperly first and to make money second. One particular month i can make little and another one i can make a homerun. Once i have a green balance i take a brake for the rest of the month, something i cannot do in my actual job, who didn’t dream about taking a vacation whenever we want? Wouldn’t be nice once finished a task to be able to rest for a couple of days?

So guys what do you do to motivate yourself?

When you stablish a strategy wich triggers you a signal under certain conditions you notice that even the same conditions repeats over and over, the results doesn’t. NO matter how strict you follow it you will have more loses than winners. The overall consensus is the more you trade the more probabilities to make money. Well that is not true. Just do this experiment, use your actual system, and for each 10 entry signals you only execute 1, just like that, first you’ll notice you are losing less. Let’s say you make a trade per day, that is almost 300 trades all over the year, and you decided to make only 30 trades and your system is succesfull only 10% of times, that means only 3 trades are winners. Now go back to the original 300 trades, the same, only 30 trades are good in this case but wich one is closer to wipe you out? And is much easy to only three winners overide 27 loses than 30 winners override 270 loses. And in the second case you have to decrease position size in case you wanna have the same risk percentage.

You might think both scenarios have the same percentages of win/loss but i ask you wich on does it hurt less, i really doubt after loss n° 253 you are still in trading fit much worse is it is in a row, remember you have no guarantee at all. Instead 27 loses are much easier to get it back. Basic rule of mechanics “The less parts it has the less probability of failure does it have”, have you ever wondered why new jet airplanes heve only 2 engines instead of 4?


Thanks Mr Gone, you gave me more to think about, i guess its cheaper to make a plane with 2 engines than 4, and cheaper on maintenance.

But i do wonder how many accidents could of been avoided if there were 4 engines…

But back to trading. Im going to take your idea as you mentioned above and try my strategy but trading more, im hoping i can get more winners with no more risk than what i currently have, but forward testing will tell !!


By the way i have got over the impulsive and early entries that i used to do, and my patience levels are getting much better now to your advice, so i think im getting there as a trader.

From my own performance i have seen over the last month my performance dramatically improve due to following your advice Mr Gone and all the other great advice from fellow babypips members.

I am sure i am on my way to sucessful and profitable trading. I have had 3 weeks of consistent profit from my trading on demo, but don’t get me wrong, i know im not ready yet, i need to practice more and i need to improve the human part of my strategy.

The trading strategy is fine, and i know when to and when not to trade, but like anything, im not foolish enough to believe im ready yet after just 3 weeks of constant gains :slight_smile:

Im nearly there, thanks for all your advice Mr Gone i have really appreciate it and it has helped immensley !!

Mr gone do you trade all 12 months out of interest?

What is trading through Decemeber like, is it as hard as i have heard?


Well, there is not a straight answer for that. Seasons might affect markets it does deppend on wich TF you are looking.

I realy love this crazy activity. Besides the money here I can be myself. Althought Mr Market does not care who I am, he or she will not criticise me. Here I can do things my way and practice my own ideas wich in the outside world I can seldom do. Here I can make mistakes with no fear of retaliation, insults, reprimands nor putting my reputation in jeopardy. Any mistake does only affect me and beneffits someone else, each mistake costs me only 1% of my account, and I have 99 shots to go.

So maybe you are still struggling to like loses. Well, try this technique, remember a real traumatic situation when you made a big mistake and your boss or someone else treated you really bad, remember the words of that person, feel the anger you felt back then, the powerless of cannot do anything. Then look back to the loss you made, does not feel much better not having that person insulting you for that single loss?
