I am a newbie to forex and have been reading tons of threads and posts here in the last month. I really appreciate members here sharing their thoughts and strategies here. Really learn a lot and implementing them into my own strategy. I believe getting involved in this forum is much better than paying any expensive courses by the so-called gurus who aims at ripping people off:31:
Currently I am thinking of writing a ebook to summarize and share my own strategy to my fellow members here (hopefully i have the time to do so)
Hey! I’m a newbie as well, and I must agree with you! This site taught me so much more than I could have expected! If you come out with that ebook, I would certainly love to read it!
Hi, Glad you are reviewing the old threads, they contain all the info you need including links to online free resources, and of course, there’s the bpips school which is just great. And yeah, paying for a course at this stage makes no sense…
FWIW, will look forward to reviewing your strategy, the why and other details later on, good luck!