EUR/USD - Price action on D1 could be helpful

Round-up for Wednesday 25/10, across the 28 leading forex pairs -
6 signals - 6 winners, 0 losers


Round-up for Thursday 26/10, across the 28 leading forex pairs -
15 signals - 10 winners, 5 losers.

You get the idea…


Thank you very much
I’ll definitely check that out @tommor

If you can come up with a strategy that uses this type of mean-reversion please post it, I sure as hell can’t.

If I do you will be the first to know

Thanks. I think I was being over-optimistic with the initial post.

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It is my personal belief that the second job of a FX trader, after preserving his/her capital, is to find the patterns in the midst of a chotic market.
That being said, upon reading your initial post, I felt that a 75% probability was pretty incredible myself, and that you, as a respected trader and member of this forum had managed to find the patterns in the midst of a chaotic market.
I, and I’m sure most of us here, truly appreciate your self-awareness and disclosure that you may have been over optimistic.

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I’m currently experimenting with a no-stop-loss strategy on a cent account (not demo) wherein the maximum that can be lost is the amount of the cent account itself, for example, the cent accounth has 380usc (US Cents) in it – which is the stop loss. Each time the profits go over 380usc, say to 383 like today, I transfer the 3usc back into my wallet, to return the maximum that can be lost to 380usc.

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I have enjoyed seeking price behaviours that can be exploited like this but randomness or spreads always get in the way.