[Everyone please read] Unable to discover any forex trading strategy since 3 months

Daily targets are probably unrealistic, overall, as even the world‘s best traders have both winning and losing days.

Your hoped-for $10 - $20 per day (shall we call it $15?) averages out at $330 per month, allowing for 22 trading days per month.

Because of variability in results, that monthly average of +$330 will probably range between break-even and +$660, realistically. You might even have the occasional losing month, and it would be wise to budget for that.

Very, very few retail forex traders can achieve a steady average account-growth of 5% per month, but if you’re one of those very rare Star Performers, then it follows that you would need starting-capital of $6,600 to manage that.

I understand, and many of us started off from similar positions to that, and a few of us eventually became successful, so don‘t give up! At the same time, it’s important to realise that if that’s so, you must at the moment be a very long way from being able to make $10 - $20 profit per day? You’re obviously a numerate and intelligent guy, so I’m sure you can see how those figures work out?

I hope I don’t sound offputting. I’m just trying to make the point that it’s very important to keep your expectations reasonable.