Ex Professional Trader, Model Trading Account Project & Analysis

The move apparently is he is pulling up stakes and going into hiding… early. I will not post in his “teaching” thread out of respect and I never intended to derail his endeavors there. It seems he has put a stop on that thread… no doubt in response to the snare he has found himself in.

I invited his efforts and welcomed him on the forums. You can see that on the first post I made here… unfortunately calling out an Apex Predator with an itchy trigger finger isn’t the most ideal approach to establishing creditability. You end up in the crosshairs and pushing up daisies.

I wasn’t “weaseling” out of his offers… I was making it [B][U]harder[/U][/B] for me to beat him with handicaps. Strange logic and poor attempt to make it look like I was not willing to put up. I will do what he agrees to… if it’s 100 or 5000… the outcome will remain the same… ICT Mission Accomplished.

I am waiting to see the video of his mug and voice and confirmation of account funding today. Not January.

I see him trying to flame to get Banned… so we never see him vs. ICT. I am begging Babypips to not to.


Seems this is one of the hottest thread on Dec.

Hei, do we have ton of juice to wait ICT and Andrew Show??

Keep cool like usual ICT, u re one of the best person here :slight_smile:

Andrew, i like ur avatar. I think u might have lot of girlfriend -_-

You said goober, LOL now that is funny Michael:)

WOW i did not expect this…with all due respect
Hope you 2 can chill it off a little. Its fantastic that both of you are able and willing to participate in the challenge! Every one has egos, but no need to insult anyone.
I know ICT you are a phenomenal trader, but just because some one called you out for what ever reason no need to get big headed. Just accept it and prove him with actions no words, as words can be empty and meaningless at times.
Same with Andrew…

I think offer from Andrew was quiet reasonable! you both start with small accounts, risk same percentage.(so no one has an upper hand)Now who ever wins is completely different matter, remember its done for charity…

Hope both of you leave ego out of process and Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.

This will be very exiting to follow.

Let’s not jump the gun yet fellas, i think the contest will take place, as i can see both want the same. (no need to mention what that is.)
Let the games begin…:57:

I know you have read the posts Andrew… what is it?

Well… either case, I already stated I would be going live in the center stage in January… I have nothing to run from. There is Ego and then there is confidence beyond all measure. I haven’t been egotistical… yet.

Every contest among men brings with it a smack session… weigh in… promotional bit. Haven’t you ever watched boxing or Wrestling!? lol

I have to get the crowd thinking I am heel or the underdog the best way I can. It adds to the dramatic build up. :stuck_out_tongue:

For your challenge, would you be willing to start a thread and giving us n00bs as to why you took the trade?
If you did this, I would expect the same from andrew.

All my trades would be LIVE and recorded. :slight_smile: No F.E.A.R.

Since this thread has turned to who I am and who I am not…

Who on here has seen Jason Stapleton or his videos? I just recently was emailed a link to one of his videos and he from my perspective watches my stuff. He even adopted my trademark ICT “Good Luck & Good Trading” closer I use on my videos. His partner who also sells wares on the same website was a Twitter follower of mine and when I mentioned this about Jason’s videos and such… he went poof. lol

It might get repacked and a new name slapped on it… but remember the source. ICT was ICT before Babypips knew him. It come from me and for free. If I were to lose it all… even then I wouldn’t panhandle for money. I’d deliver pizza to scrape the money together and rebuild it.

Wonder how many other “mentor/wannabe’s” are waiting for Dec 14th to get here to put their spin on the new goods? :wink:

It’s just 12 days away from ForeXmas beginning. :57:

I get hit up with Stapleton emails. Is he a poster on here?

Not that you would know… no obvious name usage. There is no denying he’s a Babypips reader… that’s an obvious fact… too many video likenesses and well… you will see and hear it.

I am flattered but geez… change it more than that lol

Wait so how we gonna know who is doing what trade etc? Are you giving your systems away??? I wouldn’t usually care about trash talk but charity is involved so now I’m interested…

Who is this directed to?

I thought it was common knowledge I give my material away for those interested?

100% free I might add :5:

Either…there are so many threads on here and a lot are null and void so any guidance would be appreciated :wink:

ICT do you spend all day in front of the computer or do you have set minimum times. Much appreciated. Jay

I trade at predetermined times I dubbed “Killzones” per trading session. Mostly LO and NYO.

Thats annoying for me I’m in London and work 9-5 so would have no chance of trading…I like the KISS situations and less indicators the better…have you got any advice or links to threads that you advise how to do it/strategies? Thanking you in advance

You haven’t seen my thread on Newbie Island? What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader… Still Wants To Know?

The first post on that thread has the “goods”.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Unfortunately no I’m sorry to say…I will indeed search it tomorrow at lunchtime as currently have no laptop (using the mobile app at the mo)…thank you very much will have a good old read

I get more spam from the forex peace army than this supposed email for trading courses you claim, hell I see more ads for blank buddy wanting to blankc

You do realize its not a PPC or PPV deal right? That requires them to CLICK the link or view a certain page for them to collect and that just the legal advertising way.

The dark way would be if you had, actually I’ma snip this part out since I think it will go over your head and/or give you ideas if you were that desperate.

However the only conceivable con apart from 3rd party advertising would be subscriptions he has never hinted the fact you need to donate money to him… Granted a subscription will leave still a digital paper trail. Less your dumb enough to say go to moneymart and/or only these types of transactions and I would imagine unless you have a CTA or something they report it to say the SEC or even the FBI you will raise a few alarms nothing is forever that is just youthful pestilence.

What’s wrong with you people now a days you don’t like something and you feel you need to stick around and be a vigilante of justice like when your elders told you not to touch the grill its hot you stick both hands on it every 15 min intervals and “trash” it for burning you but you still go back every 15 mins to burn yourself or like the fat health freak you say OMG NO I CANNOT EAT THIS IT WILL MAKE ME FAT/SICK/DIE and you engorge yourself upon it.