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Last one* UC

Pls GJ is yet to hit entry point right or is anyone already in it? Den UC didn’t hit EP too but it has been selling so it’s safe to say it will reach tp too right?

sl same pips as tp?

Our normal SL is 50pips

Got stopped out on usdjpy and gbpaud pair, the pricepoint you gave was 139.210 for usdjpy right? Or was that my mistake?

Not a mistake from your side.Accept my apologies

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GJ has been buying since morning and has hit ur second EP den UC didn’t hit EP but has been consolidating in d 1.32 region…can u look into it.

Just leave them for now

So I should remain in Sell for UC?

TP : 30-40 pips

Alright thanks.

Its cool bro, no worries

Buy GBPCAD now TP : 50 pips

Is it too late to enter now?

You can enter now : 30 pips…sell USDCAD :50 PIPS

Ok noted thanks.

GC hit TP just now…this is a good way to start the morning :raised_hands::100:.Thank you FMFOREX.

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Buy EURUSD and GBPUSD .Take profits : 30-40 pips ,if you’re a good risk taker…EU TP can be upto 100 pips

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Tp reached, thanks mate :ok_hand:

30 pips is 300 points on your based on newbie calculations