First thing that you need about Forex Trading

can someone tell me what do I need to get started on forex trading?

Very simple!
Enroll in babypips school and graduate, take the quiz afterwards and if you score 75% and above then you can create a system and back test/demo trade it for at least two months’
It is only when you have started to make consistent profits that now go live…make sure you start small with live account say maybe like $500 and trade micro lots only.

If you score less than 50% from the quiz,you might wanna rethink your decision in trading forex or having it as a career

you need mental, physical, financial preparation before you dabble with forex trading.
Ideally your current environment (home/office/room) is conducive to trading - this is crucial to your sanity and success.

I agree with you. :19:

I started with babypips school:45:

I agree with all of the guys here that Babypips is a good start a place for starter,full of resources that we can learn from.